Most men might look strong and untouchable, but inside them are hearts that can melt completely the instant they come in contact with a little stroke of romance. If you want him to bid to your every desire, never take your search to the high mountains and deep waters: love letters are enough to get your man bowing to all your needs in total submission.
Also, today, we are presenting to you, love letters for him which are more than capable of calling your man’s attention to the personality of your love for him. Enjoy the read, while you get ready to thrill him with some of the lines below:
Deep Romantic Love Letters For Him

My surest boo,
I’m writing this note in honor of my love for you. I may have told you before in the past that you are my everything, but that’s just the preamble of my thoughts of you. You aren’t just my everything; you are the entirety of my being even when there’s nothing left in existence but emptiness. Darling, I acknowledge all that God has done in me through you, which include teaching me that I need to be at peace with myself before love can work out fruitfulness in my life. In fact, you are my customized lover, the best for my kind of lady. That notwithstanding, it took me days of heartaches from doubting you to believe that you belong to me. Even apologies will do little for me. So, for the rest of my life, I will cherish you. I love you because I don’t want to do otherwise.
My gentle tiger,
You are more than just my husband. You are my protector, my guide, my unfailing shoulder to lean on in times of despair, the only sugary thing I am addicted to. I am in for your touch and tender kisses, right from our dating days to the day we exchanged our solemn vows to each other. A day never goes by without my heart banging against my ribcage out of excitement because of you. And after such an experience, my face will be flushed with embarrassment that you still make me feel like a maiden after five years of marriage. I wouldn’t have asked for a more delicious gift from above than you. Today, I want to affirm my undying love for you, honey. I love you passionately. I will love you endlessly.
Mine forever,
There are countless reasons why people fall in love with their objects of affection. My own confession is that I fell in love with you because you are the coolest guy I have ever met in my life. After you, no other cool guy has had the same effect you had on me. Perhaps there was much more than the coolness, but I don’t give the smallest care about that. All that is important to me is that my love for you has come to stay forever. I am not and won’t go anywhere for apart from your life, no other place will do for me. Lest I forget, thank you for loving me in all my craziness. I never expected you to return the love, but it is a beautiful perk on my side, that the love between us in mutual. Love ya, baby!
The day that you lovingly asked me out on a date stands as the most remarkable day in my adult life. Honestly, it came as a shock to me because I had categorized you as way out of my league. I mean, you are the most handsome dude in our faculty. Plus, you mingled with the high, mighty, and the smartest in school. I couldn’t fathom how I caught your attention, but I did anyway. Now, two years later, you are still by my side, fanning the embers of my affection for you every blessed day. I loved you then, and love you till there’s no tomorrow. Take it from me: I am obsessed with you. Yeah, you are my boyfriend, but I feel as though you are a precious gift meant for the royals. I will keep you with me, never mind.
When I am asked who you are to me, I don’t hesitate to answer that you are my baby. My only baby who has got every part of me to himself. It is no big deal giving up my breath for you for when you come alive, I also live. Do you know that life holds many adventures for me because I have you to pour all my love on? We’ve had it pretty rough, but each time, we do find ways of smoothening the roughness to reveal the beauty of our relationship. Sweet, you are too special for me to abandon, and in my wildest imaginations, I haven’t conjectured how that will possibly be.
Your heartbeat.
Long Love Letters For Him

I can vividly remember how it felt like to kiss you for the first time. On that fateful day, we both were drunk in love and literally shaking like wind-torn leaves. You held my hand in yours with a tight clasp, afraid that I would break loose and bound off. But that would have been the least I would have ever thought of, given that I wanted more from your blissful company. As if on a cue, we drew each other closely to ourselves at the same time. With shivering fingers, you tilted my face toward you, and planted a sweet, hormone-laden kiss on my eager lips. I drank of you, baby. Ever since then, your full kisses have been my blood tonic. I love you already. Can’t wait to meet up soon for more of you, as usual.
Mr Sexy,
Pardon me if it’s too early to send you a letter but I couldn’t wait to let my thoughts out of my mind. You see, a few things exist that make my head spurn in wild admiration. Among them all, is your body. Gosh!!! Mere thinking of you has started giving me ideas. Should I divert from my aim of writing this note? I don’t think I should. Back on track: your body is the sexiest piece of art God has ever made. Obviously, I’m not referring to muscles and abs. I am wowed by the perfect blend of the contours of your skin with everything you put on, and your air of confidence which can send an eagle flying away without any hope of a comeback. Simply put, you are absolutely stunning, a rare display of manhood in its highest calling. I am blessed to be yours, and all out to ravish you as soon as I set my eyes on you.
My king,
I fully acknowledge my luck in being the only woman that you made your queen. I am well aware that there are millions of beautiful and endowed women out there, who could have easily become the managers of your kingdom. However, you decided to fight the odds just to be my king. Truly, it is a good fortune I can’t take lightly, given that you withstood pain and open shows of hatred to stick with me. Honey, I respect you for being the man of my dreams, one who isn’t afraid to go after what he desires. I adore you because you are the epitome of loyalty. Finally, I love you because I am hopelessly in love with you.
My only one,
I don’t have to borrow words from Shakespeare to amply describe my love for you. If it were months ago, I would have gone to that length and beyond in order to buttress my idea of love. But I now know better, all thanks to you. Words don’t make love real; the heart speaks enough thoughts and feelings to make love tangible. With you, I think of joy, peace, and my zeal to become a better version of me has increased. I didn’t have to impress you before you fell in love with me. Worse still, I struggled to do things for you which were beyond my comfort zone until you rebuked me from continuing with such a selfish attitude. I am at home with you, my one and only. That’s the truth I have come to embrace in me. You’ve got this girl to yourself forever, and you will remain my only love.
My love,
Time will definitely fail me to eulogise your amazing qualities which are dear to my heart. First off, you make loving you an easy task to perform. Where were you in all those periods of my life when I thought everything was wrong with me? I guess you were waiting for me to meet the wrong persons for me, so that I will appreciate the right one when he finally steps in. Secondly, you are a pure soul: I don’t know how you can forgive so effortlessly. Indeed, I get envious of you sometimes. On this day, I want to thank you for becoming the balm that my broken soul needs, and for loving me like a whole woman.

Also Read: Short And Long Love Notes For Him or Her