Goodbye is one word that is usually accompanied with emotions that touch the heart. What may warrant saying goodbye, could be a painful reason, or for a necessary movement into another phase of life. Truly, it is rather easier to meet someone than to part ways with them.
At any point in life when saying a goodbye is expedient, it is recommended that you do it on a face to face basis with the one you are relating with, instead of texting. The goodbye messages below are guides to help you put forward the right words for a farewell situation.
Goodbye Messages For Him Or Her
1: I lack the words to adequately tell you how pained I am to move on and ahead without you. I only hope that someday, you will realise it was for the best.
2: I would never want to be alone. It is of great importance that I took this decision to let you go. May you find happiness in your future endeavors. Goodbye.
3: Life and all that happens within it are transient- when we think we have arrived, we don’t know we are getting set to make an exit. I really regret bidding you farewell after all the times we did share together.
4: It is not just about the words; deep from my heart, I wish you happiness and peace as we go our separate ways. Goodbye, dear friend.
5: I prayed for more time. I wished things became better between us. I hoped for the best. But in all, I am convinced that it’s best we parted ways.

6: It was as if we hooked up yesterday, two hearts basking in the bliss of knowing each other. What happened to us is beyond explanation, but we have come to the end of our wild romance, and won’t fail to say, “Goodbye”.
7: Though I wanted better, it is wiser this decision we are taking. Hopefully, we will meet on a stronger platform tomorrow. So, for now, goodbye.
8: Time has happened to us, and it is okay. So much for “here today, gone tomorrow.” Goodbye, and I wish you all the best.
9: You are travelling to someplace far and away. The time to face reality has beset me, and I don’t have any other choice but to accept my fate. I don’t know what the future holds, but until we meet again, goodbye.
10: Memories of you will keep haunting me for a long time to come. I don’t know how much pain I will have to endure as we go our individual ways, but I know I will be fine.
11: Tell me, should I hold on for you? Should I give you another chance to make it right? Even if I show you how much I need you to stay, would you reconsider and stay back? Do we have to part ways?
12: I only have to hope against hope that you will be back in my arms in no distant time. It hurts to raise my hand for a goodbye wave to you.
13: Always be reminded of my face. May thoughts of me ring loud bells in your heart. Please, don’t forget me like a boring song. Goodbye.
Emotional Goodbye Messages For Him Or Her
14: My eyes have been in the streets, waiting for your return. I prayed and bled, asking God for a sign that all will be well. But it seems the end is come for us; it is a goodbye, then.
15: No matter the length of time that will pass between us, you will never stop being the one I loved with all my heart. Goodbye.
16: I only thought it was a stage of life where things become confusing but won’t fail to be okay again. How wrong I was; I guess I didn’t know any better. Goodbye.
17: Slowly and steadily, we will bounce back to our individual definitions of happiness. It’s fine that we met in our lifetime. Goodbye, and do take care of yourself.

18: Just a goodbye, and the tears from my eyes are running down my cheeks uncontrollably. My nostrils aren’t left out in the cry from the heart broken. I don’t ever wish to go through this pain of leaving, again.
19: If parting ways will bring you immense joy and freedom, then it will be selfish of me to stay back. Sincerely, I wish you all the good things you desire out of life.
20: I may not know about the future, but I can say with all assurance, that I am presently in a miserable state. I don’t know why we have to choose goodbye over togetherness, but I think it will work out for the best.
21: Did you envision this day? Did you ever hope that a day will come, when we will record our last conversation as lovers? Are you unsurprised that it eventually came to be, that we will have to give up on each other?
22: Don’t worry about my well-being for I will be fine. Don’t ever feel burdened concerning the state of my heart, for I will get on ahead, gradually. It was my pleasure sharing time with you…once in my lifetime.
23: I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your peace of mind, neither would I want to be the reason why you lived an unfulfilled life. Someday, I will like to share in your joy. But for the meantime, goodbye.
24: There is a difference between living for a purpose, and settling for a reason. I am sure that both of us aren’t the best for living out purpose. As such, it will be nice if we went our separate ways.
25: I thought that dreams do come true to those who believe, because I had dreams of a bright future with you. But it seems that saying didn’t work out for me. Goodbye, dear friend.
26: Ideally, a happy life is a beautiful life. You don’t deserve anything less than a beautiful life powered by happiness. Our relationship is stripping you of that opportunity. Goodbye.
27: Forgive me for wronging you beyond description. Forgive me for letting you down when I shouldn’t. If I could rewrite the impression of me on you, I would have done so. Goodbye; I didn’t mean to leave you broken hearted.
28: You’ll never be in my past. Every day I live, I will be reminded of one of the most loving hearts I was lucky to encounter. Goodbye, sweetest.
29: It is too daunting a task to start all over again. With the number of years committed in loving and caring for you, it is almost impossible to look forward to another relationship. I didn’t expect us to end. It’s all good though.
Saddest Goodbye Messages For Him Or Her

30: It’s too hard to deal with, but I will try. Given the moments we shared, couldn’t we have found any other way around our differences but separation? It is funny how I thought you were my last bus stop.
31: I cry, not because I am helpless on what to do with my life. I weep, not because I am the most broken among us. The reason I am inconsolable stems from the fact that my life can never be the same without you. I’ll miss you.
32: It takes patience and fortitude to work out a plan to tackle the future headlong. I am deeply surprised that you desire to move on in life without me; I am at a loss on what to do. However, I wish you good luck and preservation.
33: Though we will not be seeing each other regularly, I am counting on your calls and texts to be happy all over again. Goodbye for now.
34: The heart longs for affection and care when there’s an absence. How long will I keep at enduring the pangs of desire for you in my heart? I don’t want this separation to be longer than anticipated. Goodbye; hurry home as soon as possible.
35: Did we suddenly throw away the roadmap to our vision together? How did we end up becoming enemies of each other? I can’t stand the bickering and contempt between us. I guess it’s time to say goodbye.
36: I am often reminded of our first hello, our first date, and our first kiss. Things happened pretty quickly, and here we are, getting ready to bid each other farewell. I shed a tear for my dampened spirit.
37: I know there’s nothing wrong in dreaming dreams and drawing plans. It is completely natural to be passionate for a cause. But the only hindrance to the success of expectations and desire is the discontinuity of consent. Thanks for the opportunity to say goodbye.
38: It will be wrong of me to persuade you to stay back when you’ve already finalized on your plans to walk away. It was nice meeting you, and an exceptional honor to share my life with you. Goodbye.
Also Read: Touching Broken Heart Messages