It’s funny how emotional pain can be so intense without being tangible. No one is ever prepared for a heartbreak; not even the strongest person in the world. The constant worry, fear, anxiety and lack of appetite are some of the things that naturally happen during such trying times.
But even in such dark times, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One of the best ways to get through it is by writing messages to your ex-lover and yourself (perhaps in a diary), in an attempt to accept things as they are.
We hope that by the end of this, you will be able to find some closure and get on the path to restoration.
Broken Heart Messages For Him And Her
1: After saying goodbye, I felt like throwing myself into an endless pit, to see eternal emptiness. Right now, I’m far too good to escape into the world of darkness. I hope you are happy wherever you are.
2: I hurt a lot, but I can’t seem to find the right sedative to numb my pain. I never knew love could be this wicked.
3: As much as I try telling myself that it will soon be over and that I’ll bounce back, I still lack the strength to move on.
4: Behind these small eyeballs is nothing but patches of dried blood from many nights of weeping. Why did you have to grind my heart the way you did?
5: Did we have to end what we shared? Did we have to let go of each other? What is the meaning of life if I don’t have you by my side?
6: Each day, I try to find activities that will help me stop thinking about you. I’ve gotten myself drunk and played all sorts of music, but I still can’t get you out of my head. I’m shattered. Completely.
7: The pain in my heart makes me appreciate the value of true happiness. Your leaving has changed my life.
8: Do you know it’s easy to fall in love but quite difficult to climb out of it? Will I ever climb out successfully? With such deep agony?
9: It could be counted as a loss, but I gained a lot. Thank you for making me realize that life isn’t an easy journey. I hope to heal and embrace love again, someday.
10: If I knew that this love had an end, I would never have gotten into it.
11: I was in love with you, but I wasn’t good enough to make you love me. Is that irony? I would have to ask sane minds.
12: It is great to have known you for who you are. If I hadn’t, I would have always thought that I was incapable of loving with all that I have.
13: I had dreams for us; I conjured up beautiful imaginations of our forever together. But reality has dawned on me; I guess we are good apart. Hoping my dreams are fulfilled elsewhere.
14: I never thought we would part ways. The thought of living without my lifeline is so scary. I never knew I would be this broken without you. I miss you, darling.
15: You broke my heart, but I still feel like I would give this another shot because I can never get to love someone as much as I love you.
16: I’ve been trying so hard not to think about you, but every time, I find myself living in our memories and reminiscing the good times. You were all I had, darling
17: Promise me you’ll never forget the love we shared, the silly jokes, romantic moments and all we did together. You’re gone now, but never to be forgotten.
18: I’ve never been this scared and confused. The thought of living without you is daunting. I hope that one day, I’ll be able to find closure and move on completely. I feel sorry for myself.
Broken Heart Messages For Him

1: We held hands, we kissed, we showed each other true love. Where did we go wrong? What happened to us? Why am I crying instead of laughing?
2: Love has been unfair to me, but I think I will survive, once again.
3: What can I do to make you take me back? How can I make you see the scarlet blood oozing out from my heart? How can I live if you have left me to myself?
4: Just like that, our years of hard work have gone down the drain. Didn’t we promise each other loyalty and friendship? Why are we hurting each other this much?
5: It isn’t enough to say that you’re sorry; it doesn’t change the fact that we are never going to be the same ever.
6: I loved you, and I still love you. Even if we have to part ways, at least let me keep loving you from a distance.
7: My heart is broken, and I am in a search for healing. The feeling is surreal to me; what good explanation will I give to my heart, body, and soul?
8: As much as I try, it is simply impossible to forget you. Your love was very special to me, and I haven’t been able to get any that compares to it.
9: I wish I never met you. I wish I never risked loving you. I wish I never believed that you were the one for me.
10: How easy do you think it is to let you go? I loved you with everything I have and with all that I am. Tell me, where do I go from here?
11: I was better off living in ignorance of love. Knowing and loving you has wrecked my uncomplicated life.
12: While we were infatuated in our happily ever after, did it ever cross your mind that a day like this would come? Where we would be reminiscing the good times?
13: Instead of love messages, we are sending broken heart messages. What was the importance of loving if it was bound to fail?
14: Was I deceived? I doubt that. But I wish I was told from the onset, that I would regret being so vulnerable. I thought this love would be peculiar.
15: After all, we’ve been through together, it is unbelievable that we made room for a single reason to part ways. Was our love strong in the first place?
16: I know we met under unlikely circumstances, but we didn’t need to sever our union as if we never professed our love for each other.
17: You made me happy, and I am deeply sorry that we didn’t always have the happiness we both deserved.
18: I think we are better off apart. The more I thought of giving us a second chance together, the more it became clear, how we would be denying each other personal happiness.
19: If you are reading this, I’d like you to know that life has been hard without you and that I no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. How can I keep going yet you were my strength?
20: I try hiding my pain from everyone, but it keeps showing. I’m lost without you, my love. I keep hoping you will come back but it’s high time I started moving on.
21: Throughout our relationship, I tried being the perfect one, but you put all your energy on someone else and that breaks my heart. I hope you find peace, knowing you broke me into many pieces.
22: Sited alone in a house full of memories and the constant echo of your laughter is the worst torture ever. I hope to heal from this pain and to be your friend one day.
Broken Heart Messages For Her

1: If it was prophesied to me that you would betray our love, I would have counted it as folly. But here I am, wishing I was prepared for the shock.
2: Can you remember how important our anniversary dates were to us? Can you also remember that it was on our last anniversary that we kissed goodbye?
3: I hold on to the promise of a better future. Yes, I do, even though my heart is in a million pieces.
4: Believe me when I say I loved you more than life itself. I was willing to walk miles for you; I traveled far distances to be with you. Can you let me know my offense? Why would you hurt me this much?
5: It is a terrible thing to wait for a love that has no intention of coming. Thank you for teaching me patience and endurance.
6: Will you be able to look into my eyes and tell me that you hate me? Will you run away from me when I open my arms for a hug?
7: Ultimately, life holds so many surprises. Though this is a bitter occurrence, I am sure that this disappointment will work out something nice in the future.
8: I trusted you without looking back. I held on to you in spite of my self-doubts. Is betrayal my reward for being the perfect lover?
9: Do me a favor and give me one reason why you chose to make my life miserable. What would I be if I had never met you?
10: The answer to all my prayers was in your eyes. Your touch brought me comfort, and it was divine to be in your arms. I hope you take comfort in knowing I have nowhere else to go after this.
11: You don’t know how much you mean to me. If you did, you wouldn’t have punished me this much.
12: I can’t think of ways to move on because you were my strength. I wake up wishing it was all a dream, but I have to live with this heartache for the rest of my life.
13: You were everything I never had and more. Now I feel like my life is crumbling down like a house of cards, but I know I will get my life together with time. I hope you are handling the break up better than me.
14: More often than not, I thought the worst thing in life was death, but it turns out being alone is the worst thing anyone could experience
15: The best part of sleeping is that I get to see you in my dreams even though we are not together anymore. Regardless of having a shattered heart, I still push through one day at a time.
Sad broken heart Messages

1: I have cried for your love more than I ever wept in my entire life. How can I prove to you that my heart needs you to survive?
2: You can keep away riches and beauty from me, but not your love. These past days without you have been hell. My world is already dark and lonely.
3: I was warned, but I thought you would change. Even after cheating and rekindling what we had left, you still decided to break me into pieces.
4: The nights are now longer than they used to be. The days are annoyingly shorter than they should be. How could love, have this much venom in it?
5: When I needed you, you were nowhere to be seen. When I searched for a shoulder to lean on, yours was cold and too far to be reached. That is how painful love can be.
6: The sky holds no light because there’s no morning sun to light it up. It’s been months since we stopped seeing each other, and truly, life hasn’t been the same.
7: The girl who once seemed unbreakable finally broke down and crumbled. The girl who always smiled is now crying and has quit trying. This has been my worst experience.
8: This sadness has become an addiction. I feel lost and anxious all the time, but I pray for the best as time goes by. I have accepted the sadness and gloomy emotions as part of my daily journey.
9: You pushed me away and left me out in the cold. That’s why I don’t talk to you anymore. Whatever you did was not fair, but I know what goes around, comes around.
10: You were my happiness, my joy, my dream girl and my ultimate bliss. It hurts so much, knowing you don’t love me like you used to, even though I love you more than ever. All I can do now is living one day at a time, hoping someone will come and rescue me from this endless pit of agony and heartache.
11: I never knew you were my lifeline until I lost you to someone else. All my tears are dry, and my heart has come to terms with everything. Maybe we were never destined to be together in the first place. Only God knows.
Also Read: Hate You Messages For Ex-boyfriend And Ex-girlfriend
Also Read: Goodbye Messages For Him Or Her