Saying a sincere “I’m sorry” to your lover means that you regret your hurtful actions, and won’t repeat them. Not only does it bring comfort to your lover’s sad heart; it also gives no room for contempt and hurt to breed in your relationship.
It may not be easy to say because of ego and pride but the truth is, it doesn’t matter what or who is at fault before rendering and accepting an apology, as long as your relationship means a lot to you.
Here are samples of I’m sorry messages for your boyfriend and girlfriend to inspire you. Remember, an honest apology heals the heart. Copy and share.
I’m Sorry Messages For Him
1: Where there is no offence, there is no need for forgiveness. Baby, I’m sorry for hurting you the way I did. I won’t do it again. Please, forgive me.
2: Sweetheart, I am sorry for talking to you rudely. I request for your unconditional forgiveness for the sake of the love we share.
3: My conscience keeps condemning me for letting you down. I’m sorry, baby. Forgive me.
4: I don’t know what came over me and it didn’t help that I lashed out on you. I have cried my eyes out but that’s nothing if you don’t forgive me. I’m sorry, darling.
5: Baby, you are my world. Without your smiles, nothing makes any sense. I’m sorry for hurting you badly. Pardon me.
6: Tell me what to do to make you happy, sweet. I can’t bear to see you angry with me. Forgive me.
7: For taking too long to answer your call, I’m truly sorry. I need your happiness back.
8: Don’t stay angry with me; I won’t be able to survive it. I apologise for putting you through much anguish with my stubbornness.
9: Remember the times we have shared between us. Don’t let my stupidity keep us from enjoying our love. I love you.
10: Honey, take it easy with me. I meant no harm. Forgive me for being inconsiderate in my action toward you.
11: Honestly, I took the matter too far and I am deeply sorry for that. Will you forgive me?
12: I regret my actions and I want to use this medium to say that I’m sorry. You’re my love; nothing can change that.
13: Let’s bring back our good times, my love. Forgive me. It’s still me, your darling.
14: I admit that I have been a thorn on your flesh lately. There’s no reason to justify my actions. I plead for your forgiveness, sweetheart.
15: I’m sorry, dearest. If you don’t forgive, I will die.
16: There’s nothing left but fragments of my heart. It takes your pardon to make me whole. Forgive me.

Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Boyfriend
1: Honey, it is the start of a new day. Let bygone be bygone for the sake of our love. I’m sorry for being such a bum. Forgive me.
2: When you say you love me, do you also mean when I am rash and unreasonable? Will you forgive to take me back?
3: Everything I have belongs to you. I cherish you more than you can comprehend, baby. Forgive my wrongs and bring me back into your arms.
4: I will do anything to make you the happy man I am used to. Take a look at my face, and see how awful I feel to see you in this state. Forgive me, baby.
5: I was completely irrational with you, and I am sorry for that. Count it as the last that such will ever happen.
6: For upsetting you, I will make it up to you. Your wish is my command. Mention anything, and you will have it. But please, forgive me.
7: I hate seeing you glum and sad. I take responsibility for putting you under much stress. I’m sorry.
8: My troubles have been incessant of late. But if I don’t get on your nerves, who will, baby? Forgive me, I beg of you.
9: Believe me when I say that I feel empty without hearing your voice. I am very sorry for lying to you, mine. Take my calls, please.
10: Your forgiveness will make everything alright for me. I’m so sorry. Heed my cry, my love.
11: You’ve been quite understanding and caring to me. You don’t deserve to be maltreated. Sweet, I’m really sorry.
12: I am so ashamed of myself, babe. It is out of place to make a sweetheart like you angry because you bring nothing but joyful laughter into my life. I am sorry for teasing you. Forgive me.
13: I boo-booed, I know. I’m sorry.
I’m Sorry Messages For Her
1: My woman, do you actually think that I will let you be without having your love back? It is impossible! I am on my knees, asking for your good favour. Forgive my wrongs to you.
2: I have asked for more than necessary from you, beloved. I am sorry. Forgive me for being quite unappreciative of your efforts to keep our relationship.
3: You have me for anything and everything, sweetheart. To make you happy, I will do all you ask for. I really regret hurting you.
4: You are the most loving person I have ever come across. Your tender affection heals my heart. Forgive me, please. Don’t take away your loving from me.
5: It wasn’t right to call you names while we were arguing. My heart is shattered; instead of bringing you joy, I brought you pains.
6: Sincerely, my intentions were not to hurt you through our discussion. I blipped, and I am very sorry I did that. Forgive me, cutie.
7: We are meant to be together, darling. Kindly understand that this is a very trying period for us. I am sorry for the role I played in the face-off we are having. Forgive me, baby.
8: I looked down on you, sugar. I made you feel less of who you are. I’m sorry. Forgive me.
9: The days have been quite busy for me, but that’s no reason for staying away from you. I apologize for my actions. I will definitely make it up for you, darling.
10: No matter whatever that had happened, I’m still in love with you. I am sorry for the hot argument we had. Forgive me.
11: I didn’t mean to say the terrible things I said to you, sweet love. I can imagine how broken you are, and I wish for nothing but your forgiveness. If you can do that for me, I will be the happiest person on earth.
12: Don’t leave me, baby. Don’t let our love end just like that. I’m sorry for treating you the way I did. Forgive me, please.
13: You’re the woman for me. A life without you is misery. I regret my act of wickedness toward you. Forgive me, and take me back into your arms.
14: I know that with what I did, I am undeserving of your trust. I wouldn’t be asking for anything but your forgiveness, baby. I am sorry. Please, believe me.

Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Girlfriend
1: You caught me in a compromising position with another girl, which has damaged the love that we have for each other. This man still loves you, and want you back in his life. Heaven knows I will do anything it takes to bring you home.
2: It is lonely here without you, my heart. I’m sorry for pushing you away with my nuisance. Forgive me, and take me back into your life.
3: There was no need to be jealous of your friendship with some other guy because you’ve never given me any reason to doubt your love for me. I’m sorry for flaring up on you, my pride. Forgive me.
4: You are entitled to hate me; I messed everything up. But give me one more chance in love, baby. I’m a changed man.
5: I promised to make you the happiest lady ever; instead, I made you cry over nothing. I’m sorry. It’s better you kill me than to be distant from me in your heart. Forgive me.
6: It is pleasurable to be in the life of a woman who leaves out nothing to keep her man satisfied. I was reckless to have taken you for granted. I regret my actions, and I’m very sorry. Pardon me, my angel.
7: I will never, ever break your heart again as long as I live. I’m sorry for my acts of stupidity. Forgive me.
8: It is obvious that I am losing my zest for living. I detest myself for making you weep. Forgive me, darling.
9: You are my one and only girl, the apple of my eyes. I am undeniably ashamed of myself, to say the least. I regret ever hiding the truth from you. Forgive me.