There is so much to know about your girl when you are really into her. Hold up; before you start thinking of bedding her like there’s no tomorrow, we are referring to searching her mind through the right questions. We know men do well as escapists more than as realists- preferring to avoid anything as boring as asking their girlfriends questions that could lead to arguments to facing the reality that questions actually prevent arguments, if they take adequate note of the answers from their girls.
That said, we hope that the following questions meant to be asked your girlfriend will help you live in the moment with her, grow your relationship, and give you reasons to want to be really into her, bedding her inclusive.
Deep Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend
1: Which childhood experience shaped your ideology of life?
2: What can stop you from being loving?
3: How well do you cope with stress?
4: Of what importance is success to you?
5: What is the easiest way out of trouble for you?
6: Have you dwelt on your past for long to your own detriment?
7: How have your past relationships influenced your perspective of love?
8: What makes you want to give your best in a relationship?
9: Who is your role model in the business world?
10: Do you have anyone you look up to as a mentor?
11: What kind of behavior in a man puts you off?
12: What is your happiest moment in life?
13: How well do your know your parents?
14: Which of your siblings is your favorite?
15: What concept of formal education confuses you?
16: Are you an advocate of abortion?
17: How much of a feminist are you?
18: How do you hope to change your world?
19: Do you wish to have nine lives?
20: How old were you before you realized that people die?
21: Who do you owe your life to?
22: How often do you hang out with your friends?
23: Who is your best friend?
24: What is your pet peeve?
25: How did you handle your first break up?
26: Do you take dreams seriously?
27: Are you an early morning bird or a night owl?
28: Do you have an allergy for nuts?
29: What can drive sleep out of your eyes?
30: Which experience can you term the most enlightening in your life?
31: What is your take on IVF?
32: Are you open to polygamy?
33: Is life incredible or boring to you?
34: At what age did you get your driver’s license?
35: Do you believe in the existence of heaven?
36: When did pessimism serve you better than optimism?
37: How well do you trust your guts feeling?
38: Which of your parents played a significant role in your upbringing?
39: What do you know about capitalism and its effect on a given government?
40: Are religion and culture intertwined, in your own opinion?
41: Do you think beggars have a place in today’s society?
42: What will you do with your time if you have just 10 minutes to live?
43: In all honesty, what can make you think of taking your own life?
44: Is it right to call any country “Third World”?
45: Between freelancing and a 9 to 5 job, which is the most secure?
46: Do you think that a woman will do well as the President of the United States?
47: How many international travels can you boast of to have made?
48: Do you fancy tattoos on a man?
49: Can you have a mouse as a pet?
50: Can you do without your phone for 24 hours?
51: What is the most important teaching on life will you give to your daughter?
52: If you were living in the ‘50s, what would you have invented to make life better then?
53: Have you ever had a nightmare?
54: Will you want to have the kind of marriage your parents had?
55: What has been the most defining moment of your life?
Romantic Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

56: What do you think will become of our relationship in two years’ time?
57: What impression of me do you have on the day I first met you?
58: In your own opinion, am I the perfect boyfriend?
59: What is it about me that gets your cheeks puffing up in anger?
60: If given another chance, will you want to have me as your boyfriend?
61: So far, have I earned your trust?
62: Which area of our relationship do you desire a change?
63: Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
64: What are you most afraid of when it comes to commitment?
65: What kind of man are you naturally attracted to?
66: Which of our kisses is the most adorable to you?
67: Will you want to be proposed to behind closed doors, or in the presence of friends and family?
68: Will you mind if you are kissed before your parents?
69: What was your first sexual experience like?
70: What is the most romantic compliment you’ve ever received from a man?
71: Do you like it when I hold your hand in a public place?
72: What works for other women in bed that doesn’t work for you?
73: Which song reminds you of our first date?
74: What’s your ideal honeymooning resort?
75: What can you remember about your very first kiss?
76: How can a man treat you that will make you feel loved?
77: Do you think I am handsome enough for you?
78: What color of lingerie appeals to you most?
79: What hurdle can you scale for love?
80: What did you think about me when you first saw me?
Dirty Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

81: Which part of your body gets you sexually aroused when touched?
82: What’s your ultimate orgasmic sexual position?
83: What’s the highest number of orgasms you’ve had in one sexual encounter?
84: What do you do when you start feeling horny?
85: How loud is your moaning?
86: How many times in a week do you want sex?
87: What makes foreplay worth it to you?
88: Have you ever posed for a nude photoshoot?
89: Can you identify your G-spot by yourself?
90: What’s your sexual fantasy?
91: Have you ever made out with a random guy?
92: Is quickie fun to do, in your opinion?
93: Do you prefer planned sex to a spontaneous one?
94: Between a year of no sex and five months of no money, which will you choose?
95: Do you like to dominate or be dominated in bed?
96: How good are you when giving a blowjob?
97: Do you get turned on when sexting?
98: What role does porn play in your sexual life?
99: How naughty are you as a lover?
100: What’s your sweetest lovemaking adventure?
101: When did you discover that you are capable of squirting?
Funny Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

102: How often do you take your bath in a week?
103: Do you have breakfast before brushing your teeth?
104: Have you ever shared a toothbrush with your grandmother?
105: How terrible to you, was our first sexual outing?
106: What will you do if I decide to abandon you in a restaurant during a date?
107: How well can you recognize my body smell?
108: How sweet is my early morning kiss to you?
109: What is the way out of my constant need for your lips?
110: Between me and your job, which comes first?
111: Can you, on a scale of 1 to 10, rate my lovingness?
112: Would you have agreed to date me if I had approached you on a pair of underwear?
113: What will you do if you found out that I have been smelling your pantie?
114: Will you praise or forgive my ex for releasing me for you?
115: What is the most childish thing about me which you find attractive?
116: If you had a choice, would you be a man?
117: Have you ever been caught stealing?
118: Which exotic food will you sell your birth right for?
119: Have you ever lied for a piece of candy?
120: Are you a wonderful cook or a glutton?
121: How did you pull off on a date when your period started?
122: Which animal do you think should have been a human being?
123: What’s your happiest Saturday?
124: What’s the biggest prank you’ve pulled on someone?
125: How mischievous were you as a child?
126: What is the most funny lie you’ve ever told?
127: Have you ever had to pretend to be sick in order to draw attention from me?
128: What do you know about cheating?
129: Which of your family members is the weirdest?
130: Will you cry if I travel on a long journey without you?
Also Read: Questions To Ask A Girl