A boring conversation is the nemesis for a lack of interesting questions to ask. It takes a person who wants to know more about another to get creative when it comes to extracting information through questions and answers.
If you are looking for questions to ask a guy, whether friend or lover, we have a compilation below, of sample questions to help you out. Copy and share!
Questions to Ask a Guy
1: When you get sad, what makes you happy?
2: How do you like your egg: poached or scrambled?
3: What will you give for a lifetime of happiness?
4: Which sport do you detest playing?
5: Do you like dogs?
6: Have you ever been stranded?
7: Have you helped a stranger before?
8: What do you want to have in 5 years’ time?
9: How well do you play table tennis?
10: What is your proudest moment in life?
11: How often do you eat junk foods?
12: What is the one thing you are very passionate about?
13: How old is your car?
14: Do you find life weird?
15: Are you a vegan?
16: What is your opinion on life in planet Mars?
17: What interests you most about women?
18: Have you ever struggled for recognition?
19: What’s your best food?
20: What time do you go to bed?
21: What’s the earliest time you’ve woken up from bed after a night rest?
22: Can you be termed a social drinker?
23: Do you prefer being indoors to staying outdoors?
24: Has anyone ever made fun of you?
25: Did you play under the rain as a child?
26: Do you still believe in the existence of Santa Claus?
27: How well do you drive?
28: Do you like peanut butter?
29: Has your wildest imagination landed you in trouble or saved you from one?
30: Which dish can you prepare effortlessly?
31: Are you a TV addict?
32: Are you aware of your HIV status?
33: How often do you drink water?
34: Which fruit is your best, any day, anytime?
35: How adventurous are you?
36: Have you ever been in a position where you were tongue-tied and confused?
37: Are you a soda addict?
38: How well do you know your parents?
39: Would you like to be like your older brother?
40: Will you like your daughter to date a man like you?
41: Which hobby of yours did you outgrow?
42: What’s your body weight?
43: Do you go for a yearly health check in the hospital?
44: How friendly are you with your neighbors?
45: Are you good with numbers?
46: Do you like chocolates?
47: Do you detest diary products?
48: What is your driving force toward making exploits in life?
49: Did you have a childhood pet?
50: How many days does it take you to read a novel of 100,000 words?
51: Between fantasy and romance, which genre of novel do you like most?
52: Which occasion have you had a pleasurable honor to attend?
53: Which cause will you support with your financial resources no matter the cost?
54: Do you believe in the afterlife?
55: Will you call yourself successful by the standard of the world?
56: How many golden opportunities have you missed in the course of your career pursuit?
57: Do you get along with your in-laws?
58: Have you ever stolen anything from anybody?
59: Have you been involved in a sexual scandal?
60: Have you ever collected a bribe?
61: Do you know your place of birth?
62: How conversant are you with sign language?
63: Has your perspective on love changed?
64: Do you trust your instincts?
65: Will you say that you are politically sound?
66: Can you remember a peculiar thing that happened to you as a toddler?
67: How can you define marriage?
68: Have you ever trusted the wrong person?
69: What was your first experience in the aeroplane like?
70: Have you had a face to face encounter with a burglar?
71: Have you ever stood for a lady you care about?
72: How many kids will you like to have?
73: Will you want to take a wife amongst your people, or a foreigner?
74: Has your hope ever been dashed when you least expected it?
75: What is the most humane thing you’ve ever done for anyone?
76: Who was your first crush?
77: Can you live with strangers for a week without arguing with them?
78: What’s your favorite childhood story?
79: Can you fight for your right even when many are up and against you?
80: Do you choose a thing by popular opinion or as you feel is right?
81: Can you bake a cake?
82: Have you ever walked out on a girl?
83: What’s your most rotten secret?
Dirty Questions To Ask A Guy

84: Have you ever had a quickie?
85: What was your first sex like?
86: Can you prepare a meal naked?
87: Have you ever made love in your balcony?
88: What has been the most difficult sexual position you’ve pulled?
89: How soft are your bums?
90: Have you ever seen a girl naked?
91: Which part of your body when touched, tickles you the most?
92: Did you get the chance to kiss your first crush?
93: Can you describe your first kiss?
94: Ever fantasized on having sex with your girl when your parents are home?
95: Do you moan when turned on?
96: How many rounds can you go?
97: Have you ever nibbled on nipples?
98: Do you like perky breasts or the large-sized ones?
99: Will you like to make love to me?
100: Where will you want me to kiss you?
101: Do you read adult novels?
102: What can you do to get a girl wet?
103: How often do you have sex?
104: Which would you like to see me on, lingerie or bikini?
105: Do you enjoy oral sex?
106: Have you been involved in a tryst?
107: If given the opportunity, can you make me cum?
108: Have you had anal sex?
109: Have you sex-texted before?
110: Can you have a sex chat with me?
111: Do you enjoy being fondled?
112: At what age did you learn about sex?
113: Do you want to kiss me?
114: How will I know if you want me?
115: Do you dream about making love to me?
116: What’s your most sensual sexual position?
117: How does an orgasm feel?
118: Can you live without having sex?
119: Do you like your lady to be on top while you’re under her?
120: Do you get turned on by dirty talks?
121: What’s your biggest sexual adventure?
122: What has been the most satisfying sexual encounter you’ve had?
123: Do you enjoy hearing me moan?
124: Can we do it on the kitchen table?
125: Can you make me orgasm with your fingers?
126: Will you want to be boob-sexed?
127: Will you want me to walk around naked in your house?
128: Can you kiss amorously?
129: Which sexual position will you want to try out with me?
Funny Questions To Ask A Guy

130: How old do you look?
131: Can you work for a year without a pay?
132: Have you been infected with a disease you feared most?
133: Can you tell me your most hilariously embarrassing moment?
134: When did you find out that Santa Claus isn’t real?
135: How awful does your mouth smell when you wake up in the morning?
136: Have you ever dreamed that you are going to change the world?
137: What’s the most funny joke you’ve ever cracked?
138: What is your sense of humor like?
139: Have you ever escaped being caught when you went to steal from the kitchen?
140: Which animal sound can you make?
141: How much does a cat scare you?
142: Has a dog ever given you a chase?
143: How often do you tell lies?
144: What keeps your confidence intact when in a conversation with a gorgeous woman?
145: Who ratted on you the most when you were a child?
146: Have you ever peed on yourself as an adult?
147: Can you pronounce “tortilla” correctly?
148: How much is a million dollars to you?
149: Can you walk down your street naked for $100,000?
150: Have you been duped in broad daylight?
151: What’s the most hilarious name you’ve ever heard?
152: Have you ever farted in the public place?
153: Can you spot the difference between a real gold and a gold-plated metal?
154: What can make you wish for death in the twinkling of an eye?
155: What has been the most stupid thing that you’ve ever done for money?
156: What’s the most weird rule you’ve ever followed?
157: Have you ever been scared by a shadow?
158: Can you marry your school bully’s sister?