Love makes the world go round, and it takes a love poem to make your girl believe that your love for her has got no rivalry. Whether long or short, hot or cool, simple or complex, a love poem can change the pace of your relationship, especially if it is directed to the woman you love with all your heart.
We understand that words don’t really come easy when it involves coordinating poems. That’s why we have put up a collection of the poems below to spice up your love life.
Love Poems For Her
1: You are my center of attraction,
My beginning and my ending,
The one whose love I delight in.
I want you now, and in the lifetime to come.
2: Can I tell you how much you mean to me?
As the body needs air to survive,
As plants need the sunshine to make food,
As the fish need water to breathe,
So, do I need you to be me, baby.
I love you.
3: It is easy to pluck out a flower to smell,
It is lovely a time to sit and gaze at the setting sun,
But with you, there are no worthy descriptions
Of what I feel in your arms.
Often, I wonder how much of your love I deserve
Because I am the least of men to be blessed with such pure love.
Thank you; that’s the simplest I can utter.
4: The first day I met you, I met life anew.
The moment my eyes were set on you, I saw love.
Our first kiss brought heaven upon earth;
Time can choose to stop making any motion,
It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I have you by my side.
5: The trying periods of our lives
Changed a whole lot about us.
Not as if we drifted apart,
Or chose different paths.
But we changed to stay glued to each other
Falling in love, over and again,
Without looking at our scars
But consistently gazing at our common stars.
Forever, till death do us part,
That’s the path we will tread upon.
6: If I knew that I would come to a point in my life
Where I would see nothing else but love,
And have no other important feeling but loyalty
I would never have waited for so long a time
Before hitting the road
On a journey to locate you.
Though I have no regrets ever,
I wished I had met you earlier
To love and support with all that I’ve got.
But it’s okay; I have you now,
And tomorrow, and forever.

7: Relax, baby girl,
I am here, always for you.
You need not fret, sweetheart
For my heart belongs to you.
There’s no place more honorable than this heart of yours.
There’s no one more special than you, and only you.
I will always love you.
8: You are beautiful and without blemishes.
There’s no fault in the way you love me;
I’ll be the most ungrateful being
To take your sacrifices for granted
All that I have, and everything I will ever be
I bring as a thanksgiving offering
At your feet…
I belong to you, without any reserve.
9: I only know you, pretty
And no other woman.
That I am the man I can boast of
Is because you gave your all for me.
I can’t deny the power of love
Ever since I felt it from the way it pierced my soul
From your hands, only your hands.
Deep Love Poems For Her

10: Whatever happens
Stay reminded of the fact
That I will die loving you.
In all that you’ll see
Never you for once doubt
That I will gladly take the knife for you.
If I have been lying all my life,
This is my truth.
11: People born, people die.
Plants grow, plants die.
Animals mate, animals die.
Die they do,
But my love for you
Will never, ever die.
12: rama is for kids,
And bills, yes hard bills,
For adults.
For you and me,
We have each other to love and to cherish
Even when we have kids,
And become hard grown adults.
13: I have no regrets meeting you;
Your love turned my life around for good.
Your influence, I feel down to my subconscious;
It is impossible to let go of you, my dear.
That’s life telling me to shut my lungs against the inflow of air.
14: Sweetheart,
I hope you know that you are the sole custodian of my simple heart?
Do I need to say it again, that you are the one who knows my hidden button,
To press at will?
Maybe, I will make a note of it,
Or a placard,
Or even write a book
As a reminder
That you play an extraordinary role
In my life.
15: I want to love you
Only the way I can.
16: I want to take you places,
Only where I will stay snuggled with you.
I want to be everything to you,
Only you worth the gift.
17: I don’t know how crazy this may sound,
But I have to say it anyway:
Even though we met a year ago
I don’t think it was our first meeting then.
I have had you appear in my dreams;
I saw you, and you smiled at me.
That made you quite noticeable
The moment we met in reality…
You’ve been the girl of my dreams.
18: Yours is the most apt description
Of a breath-taking love.
I literally lost sense of my environment,
And had to rely on the last ounce of sanity in me
To keep my jaws from dropping to the ground.
I really bless God for letting my dreams come true,
Dreams of having you,
And being able to tell you that I have loved you a long time ago.
19: My reality begins and ends with you.
You’re the wife of my youth,
The mother of my children.
You gave me access to the best life,
And there’s no other way I would have wanted it
Other than your way.
I love you so much.
Funny Love Poems For Her

20: Though foolishness is usually associated with misfortune,
With you, my foolishness brought immense gain.
I can’t begin to list the great favor you sowed into my life
After I foolishly asked you to be mine,
Against the wills of naysayers.
I will always love you, in the most foolish way ever.
21: Truly speaking,
It took me days to process what I have done to myself.
22: Proposing to you came easier than I thought,
And you flew into my arms, faster than I sought.
But that’s not really an issue:
How best will I live in the physical world
With you in my life, forever?
This, baby girl, is life sentence
Confined to the world of dreams and fantasy.
What have I brought unto myself?
You’ve tried as much as you could to escape my love.
23: But each time you exerted the energy on your feet,
I caught up with you effortlessly
Until you gave up trying.
Now, you can’t seem to get enough of me.
But I don’t mind, honey
Because the moment you try getting enough of me,
I will pounce on you,
And devour you like a lion in lust.
24: Let’s dance to the rhythm of love
Beating out tunes
Only you and I can hear.
25: It is surreal yet ideal
To hold and squeeze you gently in my arms.
But you squirm a lot, girl,
And that makes me wonder
If my arms are too crooked for your liking
Or my chest, too hairy for you to deal with.
26: At the end of each day,
I want to return home to your loving presence,
And I don’t mind if you’re well-dressed or half-naked.
All I want to see is you
When I come through the door,
Well-beaten by the life outside.
27: Call me mad, call me anything,
But there is no better time
To let you know that I am down for you
But now.
I am not afraid of your father’s Dane gun
Nor your mother’s wooden pestle.
Your brother’s glare means nothing to me.
28: I want you to be mine
Not for a day,
But till our last kid becomes aged and gray.
29: Shoes are meant to be walked in.
Clothes are meant to be worn.
You are meant to be shown off
To everyone, including those who throw their eyes off our path
Out of bitterness and envy.
30: The real meaning of love
Is found in the simple heart
That gives without complaints;
The heart like yours
Which freely lets a mischievous man like me in.
I love you, my best.
31: There is no rest for me
Until I am rest assured
That you’ll come home with me
To meet my mother.
I will never stop bothering you
Until I get an affirmation from you
That you will be more than a friend to me:
To be my partner, my lover, my wife, and my lifetime soulmate.
Also Read: Sweet Good Morning Poems For Girlfriend