She could be your wife, your girlfriend, or your crush. She’s the one that has got your heart thumping with inexplicable emotions, and her absence isn’t helping matters in any way. There’s definitely nothing you can’t give to be with her at the moment, but time and distance aren’t letting you have it your way.
Rather than let the thoughts of forlornness mess with your heart, send her any of these captivating I Miss You messages. Trust us, she will either spend sleepless nights thinking about you much the same way you do, or come running back home to you.
I Miss You Messages For Her
1: Darling, it is true that you are away from home for a while, but it feels as though you’ve been gone forever. I don’t know how I can keep on coping without you. I miss you it feels sick.
2: Try as I could, there’s no other that can occupy your place in my heart. I don’t know how you succeeded in stealing my heart away from me, but the result is that I miss you with everything in me.
3: My sweetheart, why are you doing this to me? Why do you have to go when I depend on you for sanity? Honestly, my life is in shambles; nothing is making any right sense. I miss you.
4: If I can turn back the hands of time, you’ll be my first project, my most pressing priority. I can apologize for the ugly ways I looked down on you, but that isn’t enough at all. I want to make it up to you, baby. I miss you.
5: Your sweet lips are honey and milk laced with brown sugar. You make me come alive with your charming smiles, and I can’t seem to be able to resist your touch. I know I miss you sorely.
6: I trust that you’re good, sweet, and I hope earnestly that you’ll be on your way home in no distant time. My body really yearns for your presence and loving. I miss you.
7: It felt like a dream, when I numbered the days gone without you by my side. The sound of your laughter has faded, the smell of your perfume has long disappeared. I am missing you like I have never experienced in my lifetime.
8: Please, can you come home? Can you at this moment, reconsider and head back into my arms awaiting your return? I want to live, I need to survive for us. Grant me this request, honey. I miss you.
9: You are the only one who pays close attention to my feelings. You care for me, no holds barred. I can’t get over with thanking my stars for having a total blessing put together as you, to me. I need you. I miss you.
10: My love, it is you, or no other. Your absence has created a vacuum in me that I find difficult to fill with distractions. Come back to me, your sweetheart, because I miss you terribly.
11: Indeed, there’s no woman like my wife, someone who searches my soul with her intensely compassionate eyes, and who meets my needs with her most kind heart. I don’t want to be anywhere else but by your side. I miss you.
12: I have done all I could conceive in my mind to keep busy in order to miss you less. But the more activities I do, the more of your absence I am reminded of. I miss you a lot, baby.
13: I remember how we use to walk down the streets, hand in hand. I remember the sweet way we cuddled against each other, never letting go for as long as we wanted to be stuck to us. Time has played a huge one on us. I miss you.
14: I may not be able to do everything you want, but I promise that I will be everything you desire in a man. For your sake, I will never stop working for your attention. I miss you.
Romantic I Miss You Messages For Her
15: It is a sweet thing to know that someone like you is in my life. You aren’t just in my life; you are the central part of my existence. God gave you to me to remind me of His endless love. I miss you, pretty.
16: Words fail me to rightly convey my most gripping feelings to you. It isn’t just a simple thing to say that I miss you because that carries a thousand meanings with it. Mine, I miss you.
17: If I start recounting all that you’ve been or done to me, I will exhaust my energy, run dry of any reserve, yet wouldn’t have been able to scratch the surface. I miss you.
18: If I knew you would be away for this long, I would have never allowed you out of my sight. Your absence is ripping my heart apart. I miss you, dearest.
19: Ever since we waved each other goodbye, normalcy has failed to return to my life. Chaos everywhere, nothing I do seems to work. I need us together again, please. I miss you.
20: The moments we shared together at the early stages of our relationship are evergreen in my memory. I want a replay of events. I want to have them again with you. I miss you.
21: Anytime I am sad, the picture of you on my mind brings me inexplicable happiness. You’re my sunshine and the reason I want to push forward into another day. I miss you.
22: At times, I am at a loss of what to say to you. It isn’t as if I have nothing to say, but a grasp of the right words to capture my feelings hasn’t happened in me. I miss you, my darling.
23: My lips are full and mature to receive chunks of your heart-melting kisses. My palms are adequately prepared to massage your delicious body until you are well-rested and happy. Angel, I plan to do many beautiful things with you. I miss you.
24: Like costly perfume oil, you linger in my memories long after you’ve taken your leave. For all I care, nothing can stop me from making you mine forever. I miss you, and don’t want that to be my story.
25: Your love quenches my thirsty soul. You’re are the healing for my parched skin, the antidote to the poison of my past. I can’t emphasise enough on how much I miss you, because I do.
26: My aphrodisiac, you are my everything. You make me high on your influence, and let me confess that it feels really good staring into your eyes all day. I wish you came along with me on this journey. I miss you.
27: I am supercharged with emotions that want to burst out through my head. I have no control over the intensity of the passion for you my body burns with. You are my first, my last, and everything in between. I miss you, princess.
28: I dare not reveal in full, how much I miss you. I know you do miss me too, that is why I just want to keep it clean and simple. I will show you fully how much I did miss you when I set my eyes on you.
29: The rain falls without apologies; no protocols are in existence for the sun to observe before shining. I owe no one any apologies nor consent to be yours in every sense of the word. You make my world go round, I am missing you.
30: It pains my heart that you aren’t close by to be the shoulder I want to lean on. I wish things had been much better. I miss you.
Funny I Miss You Messages For Her
31: My queen, it has come to my notice that you intend reigning over me forever, without any plans to set me free. You don’t know how happy I am with that news. I don’t ever want to be missing you.
32: I have no control over the thoughts of you in my head. Perhaps you’ve charmed me. I like it that way, though. I miss you.
33: You are right for me regardless of how you look. However, that is no guarantee for you to put on a grandma’s bonnet to bed; I will burn it into ashes. I miss you, baby.
34: Do you know that you are the only pure water I can drink? Maybe, you aren’t yet aware that you’re the only underwear that provides warmth to my groin. I hope you know how much you mean to me. I miss you, my treasure.
35: God made me with you in mind. You are the only one who can define every contour of my heart; kudos to you! Little wonder I miss you in season and out of season.