Having a dad who formed a significant part of one’s life is a precious treasure that is hard to let go, even in death. Though if time flies by, there is so much to be missed about dad who has transited to the Great Beyond. It hurts a lot that he isn’t around to advise, care, share, or do those awesome things dads do. The messages below are expressions in words, to every lovely dad who is no more with us, to tell them that they are sorely missed by those they left behind.
Best I Miss You Dad Messages After Death
1: Dad, I really wish I would see you once again. I miss you from my heart.
2: It has been weeks, but it is as though you just left yesterday. Dad, how can I let you know that I care so much about you and your return? I only wish God will allow you to come back home from heaven.
3: It hasn’t been easy, living on this planet without you, dad. You were more than a father to me, and I miss you sorely.
4: Daddy, words do little to express the longing in my heart for you. You left unannounced, leaving us as confused as ever. How badly I miss you!
5: Nothing can take the place of your fatherly love, dad. As much as I try to move on like everything is alright, deep in my heart, I am torn apart. I miss you.

6: Time and again, I am reminded of your baritone voice and bear hugs. Death can only do its worse by taking you away physically, but it can never tamper with the memories of you in my heart. I miss you.
7: Everyday, I look forward to coming home to meet you seated on your favorite cushion in the living room. But every time I step in, it is your forever absence that I meet. I miss you, dad.
8: I hope someday, that this pain I feel in my heart will fizzle away. I miss you dearly, dad.
9: The most important person in my life has gone to be with the Lord. Dad, your life on earth was worth the time, and I can’t help but wish to live as fulfilled as you did. I miss you.
10: Most of the time, it takes the pain and forlornness from a loss to understand the value of a father. I wish to go back in time, to tell you that I love you more than you had imagined. I miss you, dad.
11: Dad, I must confess that I think about you every passing day. Without making any efforts to do so, thoughts of you flow freely into my mind. Your death was a huge blow on us. I miss you.
12: Try as I may, ripping myself of the memories of you is suicidal. I just allow my mind play and replay all that we shared together. I’ll be fine, though. I miss you, papa.
13: Distractions hold no water against my heart’s quest for you. Little things remind me of you, daily. I miss you, dad.
14: The feeling of loss can be best described as the recurring piercings of the heart with a poisonous arrow. I pray for God’s consolation anytime I see the breaking of the day. Forever in my heart, dad. I miss you.
15: Only a few persons on earth can deal with grief with sobriety. I am not among them. I always break down in tears whenever I remember you, dad. I miss you, terribly.
16: Daddy, the gift of your life impacted goodness in all that encountered you. It is no wonder that you are sorely missed by all and sundry.
17: You are one of the noblest men I have been privileged to associate with. As my father, you never let me down in your duties as my protector, provider, and cheerleader. Life isn’t the same without you. I miss you, dad.
18: The tears flow freely; time has been cruel to my heart. I wish for some healing from this much grief that has besieged me. My lovely dad, I miss you. Do come back home soon, please.
19: I am convinced that you are in a better place, free from the toils and worries of this troubled world. Bear in mind that I miss you always, dad.
20: You told me you will always be there for me, dad. You promised me the world, but ended up leaving the world for heaven. How do you think I would feel? Don’t you know I miss you with everything in me?
21: It isn’t a joke, waking up to the awareness, every day, that you’ve gone on an irreversible long distance journey, never to come back to meet those who you loved. It pains my heart so much because I miss you, dad.
22: If I had my way, I would want to have you appear in my dreams every night. It will help my sorrowful heart gain consolation. I miss you, pops.
23: It hurt to let you travel out for some days. But I never bargained for the disaster your physical exit from our lives brought upon my heart. So, you’ll never come home anymore? Hope you know I’ll miss you all the days of my life.

24: Dad, your death has turned my life around. I am now more empathetic toward those who are mourning a loss, no matter how minor it is. Missing you!
25: Truly, the love of a father is deeper than the ocean bed. It is without any barrier nor pretence, and full in its giving. Your death has left a huge vacuum in my life, daddy. I miss you.
26: I still remember the last outing we had, both of us with each other. The melody of your soulful laughter does ring in my heart to this day. I miss you, my daddy with a difference.
27: They say that time heals all, but I doubt if I will ever be healed of missing you like a hungry soul. I miss you, dad.
28: I am not quite sure that I have fully come to terms with your demise, dad. There’s no day that passes by, without me hoping that there will be a miracle that will bring you home, alive. I miss you.
29: I miss your boisterous driving. I miss your scolding and stern corrections. I miss your loving voice when you say, “It’s well. You’ll be fine.” I miss everything about you, dad. I don’t know what to do to help myself.
30: You were my first love, the first man that taught me how to be assertive as a woman. You gave without grudges, and still gave lovingly until your last breath. I miss you, papa.
31: No book, no sermon, and definitely, no experience ever prepares someone adequately for a painful loss. Yours is one I am yet to get over. I miss you, dad.
32: It has been five years, and the wound in my heart from your exit is as fresh as if you left a month ago. Honestly, I wish you were here to give me a reassuring look of hope. I miss you, dad.
33: Little by little, the world outside takes its shape back, as though nothing alarming happened. But within me, I still feel the same way I felt when I received the news of your death. Daddy, I miss your love.
34: Among many things I wish for, your presence is the most pressing of my desires. I am missing you, dad.
35: Everyone in the family misses you, dad. You were a good man, quite lively and homely. There’s no other like you, my hero. I miss you.
36: I have never missed anyone, living or dead, the way I miss you, father. When you were alive, you were only a call away. Now, it is as though it will take eternity to get a singular attention from you. I miss you.
37: How I long to catch a glimpse of your face, dad! How I wish for the days when you filled every corner of the house with your refreshing presence. It is not a secret that I miss you so much.
38: Dad, the memory of you is still as fresh as anything. It is hard to believe that you are no more even as I bid you farewell. I miss you.

39: When I think of the many things we should be doing together, I feel pangs of regret that time passed without giving me the chance to bring them to pass. You may have gone, dad, but you are always on my mind. I miss you.
40: Your kind is irreplaceable, dad. It hasn’t been a common feat to achieve, living the past one year without you. I pray for grace to continue managing your loss. I miss you.
Also Read: I Miss You Messages For Mom After Death