“Now the day is over/night is drawing nigh/shadows of the evening/steal across the sky.” This lyrics above are from the hymnal song, “Now the day is over” by S. Baring-Gloud. The song is fairly familiar to many of us as little kids. It reminds us of bedtime and the innocent prayers we utter at the foot of our beds before we sleep.
Then and now, the names of our dear ones are also lifted before God to protect through the night in goodnight prayers. If you still fancy praying for your friend, family, or well-wishers in the night but have difficulty with the words to pray, these goodnight prayers for him or her will help you out. Enjoy!
Good Night Prayers For Him Or Her
1: I pray that the Lord be on your side tonight, to grant you a perfect night rest.
2: Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, may our God’s glory surround you. May your night be filled with loving comfort and bliss. Good night.
3: I pray that no evil prevails against you as you sleep tonight. Jehovah will break the ploys of the wicked against you and give you victory over evil.
4: The day has come to an end. So, I lift you, my friend, before the Lord to take care of you in your sleep. Have sweet dreams!
5: Nobody can wake up from sleep if you didn’t permit that. Therefore, Lord, I ask that you lead my dear one to the dreamland and back to awakeness in the morning. Amen.
6: Everything Jehovah does is pleasant to us. It is with a heart of gratitude that I request his loving presence to guide you in your sleep. May you wake up stronger and healthier. Amen.
7: My loving and kind God will send his angels to guard you tonight. When the dawn breaks, I desire to behold you awake and radiant to the glory of his holy name.
8: There’s absolutely nothing impossible for Jesus Christ to do. Tonight, may his warm embrace cast away every form of fear haunting you, my dear friend. Amen.
9: The depth of God’s knowledge is unfathomable. He knows your heart desire and can solve all your needs. As you go to bed tonight, may he wake you up with answers in the morning.
10: The angels of the living God have taken charge of the territory where you live. They will secure you in your sleep and ward off evil spirits from your home. Amen.
11: Lord, I honor your great name for you are mighty to be praised. Bless my friend who is reading this prayer, for their morning to be bright and sweet. Amen.
12: May this night be the best ever for you, my loved one. For every pain you experienced during the day, may God give you peace in double portion tonight. May yours be an awesome night. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
13: In the quietness of the night, my heart beats loudly for you. Dear Lord, shield my darling from the terror that takes advantage of the night. I will return all adoration to you by morning. Amen.
14: Day and night, the heaven and earth testify of your unfailing love, Lord. Come through for my sweetheart tonight as a mighty Keeper, Defender, and Warrior. Amen.
15: I serve a miraculous Father who causes his beloved to sleep restfully. May he perform the same miracle in your life tonight as you retire to bed. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
16: I pray that the Lord remembers you in your day of trouble, and may he keep you from all harm in your sleep. Goodnight.
17: Lord, you are a shield to anyone who trusts in you. I request that you prove yourself as an eternal shield to my friend.
18: Our great God of salvation will tonight, protect and save you as you snooze in your warm bed. I pray that you will wake up stronger and healthier. Amen.
19: To the Lord, darkness is like light. And no evil can prosper under his watch. With that conviction, I proclaim that the power of his presence be with you tonight.
Good Night Prayers For Loved Ones
1: Our Lord’s faithfulness is new every morning, and his mercy is steadfast every night. Tonight, may the light of his mercy shine upon you as you sleep. You will wake up to meet his refreshing faithfulness.
2: Everlasting Father, I have never doubted your ability to protect your own like a mother hen does for her chicks. With the night already here to perform its duty, may my friend be a beneficiary of your protection. Amen.
3: The way Jesus loves us intensely is beyond our understanding. As you prepare to go to bed after a day well spent, I know that your night will be superb in all ramifications. That’s because his love never fails.
4: Even if I had a million tongues to sing your praise, I would still be indebted to you. Even if I run out of the words to express myself, you understand my heart desires. Keep my bestie from harm’s way tonight, Lord.
5: I have asked God to overwhelm you with his enduring presence in your workplace. In your night duty at work, he will protect you and the men and women you’re caring for. I decree that no evil shall befall you all.
6: Dearest, you will enjoy your rest tonight. You will wake up with shouts of victory in the morning for the Lord did it. Amen.
7: Father, appear speedily, and destroy the works of darkness with your fierce fire of judgment tonight. I pray this on behalf of my friend. Amen.
8: My God who delivered you yesterday will still deliver you today because he is faithful. He will heal you of every nightmarish dream and bless you with a beautiful sleep.
9: I am confident that the Lord has already gone ahead of you, sweetheart, to make tonight a wonderful one. You know, he never disappoints those who boast in his name.
10: Lord, you are good and happy with your children despite our shortcomings. In your mercy, form a hedge around my loving friend tonight for a full-blown, sweet night rest.
11: Tonight, it is my desire that the Ancient of Days protects you as you sleep. Also, I ask that he envelops you with the sweet-smelling fragrance of his love. Only be careful to return all the praise to him by morning.
Good Night Prayers For My Love
1: The night is here, and the angels from above, too. The darkness can be frightening and full of the unknown. But I choose to trust you, Jesus Christ, for my friend’s protection tonight. Thank you for it is done in your name, Amen.
2: Those who believe in God are as stable as the rock. I am sure that tonight, he will grant you a blessed night as you drift away from this world. I look forward to hearing from you in the morning that you enjoyed your rest.
3: My dear one, if the Lord has not been on your side, enemies would have ridiculed you. He will prove himself as your only hope and stay by giving you a sound sleep. May you wake up happy to witness the brightness of daybreak. Amen.
4: Jehovah’s glorious power is felt all over the world. It is simply indescribable. That’s the reason I am not afraid to ask him to protect you tonight. I will sing his praise when I hear your voice in the morning.
5: I adore our wonderful God for his bountiful love for you. I thank him for making your day successful. I pray that in the same vein, may he make tonight a glorious one for you. Amen.
6: In his faithfulness, the Lord will bless you and make you sleep like a newborn baby. Amen.
7: Thank you, Savior, for a fruitful day and a blissful night rest which you will grant my priceless jewel.
8: I praise you, Lord, for your glory and incomparable strength. As the night draws near, prove yourself strong and mighty to my friend who doesn’t sleep well at night. All I ask is for a goodnight rest. Amen.
9: My beloved, I requested the Lord to hide you in the shelter of your loving presence. He will wipe you out from the thoughts of wicked and unrepentant men.
10: No wickedness shall befall you, my love. The Lord’s righteous hand shall never let the conspiracies of cruel men to succeed in your life.
11: If I depend on my strength, failure will be my portion. That is why I rest on you, Father, to bless my awesome friend with a pleasant sleep tonight. Amen.
12: This night will be awesome for you, my angel. It will be so because Jehovah Nissi is your ever-reliable Protector.