No matter how odd it may sound, celebrating your cat’s birthday is an exciting and a life-transforming event. It is really an honor to watch your cat live to meet another year in its life. Come to think of it: your cutie enjoys the attention it gets from you (it means the world to it!); winning it into the celebration mood wouldn’t be a hard task.
With cakes and milk checked, complete the birthday atmosphere with any of these happy birthday wishes for cat below. If you ever think your cat wouldn’t understand what’s going on, you haven’t been any much “wronger” in your life than you are with that thought. Set? Let’s get the party started!
Birthday Wishes For Cat
1: My little friend, I have the greatest honor to be a part of your fluffy life. Happy birthday and cheers to more years with you.
2: Everyone knows how special you are to me, and I believe you know, too. Happy birthday. I wish you a purrfect birthday celebration today.
3: Whose day is it today? Baby cat’s! You made it into a new year, much more cute than you were last year. From my heart, I wish you a wonderful birthday celebration. The world is at your paws.
4: You came into my life and it hasn’t been the same ever since. Your friendliness brought out the loving spirit in me. Happy birthday. I cat you.
5: To love and keep, that’s my promise to you. My home will always be yours. My bed has your smell smeared all over it. Happy birthday.
6: I brought you in to care for you but you turned out to be my caregiver. Your soft meows and delightful purrs bring refreshing healing to my mind. I celebrate your specialness on your birthday today.
7: It seems as though the days flew directly into your second year in my life. I wouldn’t have asked for a more lively cat than you. Happy birthday.
8: It is impossible to stay mad at you because you have the most heart-moving eyes ever borne by a cat. Happy birthday, Cheri.
9: You are called a cat, but I call you my dearest pet. Your warm body thaws every coldness in me. I bless God for giving you to me. Happy birthday.
10: Happy birthday, sweet cat. You are one today; I can’t wait to share candies with you tonight.
11: The first time I set my eyes on you became the last time I sought for a pet. You are quite the catch. Happy birthday.
12: You try to hide but each time you do that, you wake up in my arms. Who told you I can ever let you out of my sight? Happy birthday, pettie.
13: Your vivacious nature makes every moment with you outstandingly memorable. Your presence in our home brings life in ways that I can’t explain. Enjoy a fun birthday.
14: In your foster home, you asked for love and received it in full. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do as much. But guess what? You are understanding as you are sweet. Happy birthday.
Funny Happy Birthday Wishes For Cat

15: I arrange your toys and you take delight in pulling them down from their shelves. How could you be so troublesome yet lovely at that? Happy birthday.
16: I don’t worry anymore about the fate of the milk in my fridge for I have a ready partner in you who is ever willing to lap some up at will. Happy birthday. You are much cherished.
17: The signs are everywhere: your scratch marks, your milky smell, your poop box. I doubt you are invisible as you try to make yourself. Happy birthday.
18: There is definitely no resting time in your calendar. It is either you are up or you are doing. Don’t ever stop being a ball of energy for us. Happy birthday, beautiful.
19: There is definitely no resting time in your calendar. It is either you are up or you are doing. Don’t ever stop being a ball of energy for us. Happy birthday, beautiful.
20: On your birthday today, I want to request that you go slow with the rate you scratch at my door frames. If you’ll be able to do that, I will buy you a dozen play boxes.
21: Whenever you purr after pooing, I get this feeling that you are daring me to take a look at your fresh mess. You aren’t serious one bit, cat. Happy birthday anyways.
Happy Birthday Wishes For Cat Lady
1: Your love for me is unconditional. In fact, I have never known cats to be accommodating and open as you are. I must say that I am lucky to have you. Sweet birthday.
2: By and large, we are going to shut down the neighborhood today with the party I’m about throwing in your honor. Happy birthday. Make some purrs, baby!
3: Scratch marks mean nothing to me as long as your love for me is still intact. I love you like no other too. Happy birthday, cattie.
4: Anywhere we go, people don’t fail to recognize us as an item: you curled up on my laps, and me brushing your back with the palm of my hand. That’s how many more years will be for us. Happy birthday.
5: Your cuteness melts my heart without reservations. If I am to choose a companion again, you will be the one forever and a day more. Happy birthday.
6: My love for your is unlike the one found between cats and their owners. It is simple, extraordinary and fiercely protective. Be mine forever. Happy birthday.
7: You are a blessing to anyone who is privileged to spend a few moments with you. From your playful demeanor to your curious stares, you are one furry ball of blessing. Happy birthday.
8: Who will ever think that I will be able to keep a pet, how much more a cat? But I made it with you, cutest. Happy birthday.
9: You are quiet but sensitive. You are quick to know when I am happy or hurt and easily step in to share whichever with me. You deserve all the love in the world, sweet. Happy birthday.
10: It takes a down-to-earth cat like you to take one day at a time. You are contented with what you are given, at least the lap dances you make tell me so. I wish you a merry birthday celebration today.
11: Caring for you is as easy as you allowed it. Truly, taking you on as my pet is one of the best decisions I have ever made in life. Happy birthday.
12: You cat walked into my life and made a huge difference in my perception about life. With you, life is beautiful. Happy birthday.
13: Every day as I wake to your rolling self on my back, I thank God for such a priceless gift in you. Happy birthday. Live long for me.
14: Without mincing words, you are the most super cat that has ever lived. You are everything and more that I need in a cat. Happy birthday.
15: I can’t deny the truth that you are the cure for my anxiety. What ever would I have done without you, flurry? Happy birthday.

Birthday Wishes For Cat Lovers
1: It is a pleasure watching you doze off to sleep. You are an angel when that happens. Happy birthday.
2: Time comes a halt when you jump into my waiting arms as I return from work. You are much more than the gift that you are. Happy birthday, precious.
3: I don’t have many words to describe the joy that you bring to me. Summarily, you are my heaven-sent feline friend. Happy birthday.
4: The pure satisfaction that I derive from rubbing your belly can’t be likened to any superficial feeling. Indeed, your little presence makes the world a better place for me. Happy birthday.
5: You jump, I clap. You purr, I cheer. You play, I am charmed. Everything you do elicits a positive reaction from me. Happy birthday. I can’t love you less.
6: Happy birthday, kitty. I want to really thank you for your undiluted companionship. I look forward to seeing you grow to become a big and bold cat.
7: I can give you everything you desire to stay happy because you gave your all to live with me for the rest of your life. Happy birthday.
8: I am pleased each time I wake up every night to see you curled up at my feet. You bring me much pleasure I won’t stop screaming about it. Happy birthday, my joy.
9: If I have everything in the world and I don’t have you, life becomes more of a routine than an adventure. You are a blessing to my soul. Happy birthday.
Also Read: Cute Happy Birthday Wishes For Dog