Wishes made from a sincere heart do come true. The reason we crave for good wishes is because they give us the awareness that there’s always something beautiful our lives can access if we are prepared to receive them. A birthday is such an occasion to receive wishes. Therefore, when we forget to wish our beloved friend or family a happy birthday, it is not too late to let them know that their waiting for something beautiful is still valid.
Here are sample belated happy birthday wishes to help you write yours. Copy and share!
Belated Happy Birthday Wishes
1: Sweetheart, forgive me for coming a bit late with my wishes for you on your birthday. I wish above all things, that you live through your new year as though you’re the only one in the world. Happy birthday.
2: I’m happy to celebrate an indefatigable personality like you. I wish you many more years of bliss. Sorry about my belated birthday wish.
3: Do you know that you’re exceptionally special to me? That’s why I wouldn’t mind wishing you a happy birthday even though it’s coming late.
4: True friendship is found between two persons that believe that they mean well for the other. I’m happy to have a true friend in you. Happy birthday; live long for us. Pardon the lateness of my wish.
5: Darling, I pray that you’ll have an excellent year as you add onto your age. Sorry for the delayed birthday wish.
6: To say the least, I am proud of the woman you are becoming. You’ve touched lives in magical ways, and I want to wish you a happy birthday. Apologies for the belatedness.
7: I am quite fond of you. Regardless of the late timing of my wish, I really want you to enjoy a birthday and new year of peace, love, joy, and superb blessings from above. Happy birthday.
8: Happy birthday, darling. Forgive the delayed wish.
9: Look at yourself on the mirror. Whosoever you see is the best gift you can ever have. Celebrate yourself even as I join the host of heaven to celebrate you. Happy birthday, dear. Sorry for the late post.
10: There are many ways to describe someone like you, but I will choose one word that summarizes all: incredible. You’re an incredible person, and I am wowed by your specialness. Happy birthday; I’m sorry it’s coming now.
11: Happy, lovely, sweet, fiery birthday to my one and only best friend. It is coming late, I know, but I will definitely make it up to you.
12: Try as I may, I can’t disregard your value in my life. You are one person I have found to be timeless in his friendship with me. On your birthday, I wish you nothing but goodness. Hope you’ll accept my belated wish.
13: Truly, there’s nothing greater than living one’s dreams. You’ve clocked 25, and that’s definitely a dream come true for you. Happy birthday, sweet. Sorry it’s coming late.
14: I don’t think I will be myself without wishing you a happy birthday, though I forgot that it held yesterday. Happy birthday!
15: Through it all, you remain the loveliest person to have as a friend. Happy birthday, and accept my apologies for its lateness.
16: Your birthday escaped my mind, and I am deeply sorry about that. I do hope that you’ll enjoy an amazing new year in your life.
17: The sky is blue, and the fields are green. May your life be as new as the sky, and may you always be seen as the fields of the land. Happy birthday, sis. Sorry for the late wish.
18: Missing your birthday doesn’t rule out the sending of my birthday wish for you. Grow strong, live well, and succeed without fail. Happy birthday.
19: I hope you do have the best of times as you clock. I’m sorry for the late wish.
20: My heartfelt wishes go to my number one cousin whose life is beautifully painted. Happy birthday. Forgive me that it’s coming late.
21: I am optimistic that you’ll have a glorious new year. Happy birthday, and I wish you the best, though it is a tad late.
22: How time flew! I thought your birthday was today, not knowing that it held two days ago. Please, pardon me. I pray that all your secret prayers will be answered.
Sincere Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

1: I didn’t mean to delay wishing you a happy birthday. It was overtaken by events. I pray that you have a prosperous new year to your life.
2: Through and through, you are the loveliest sister ever. Happy birthday, and forgive me for sending it late.
3: Great one, my belated birthday wish doesn’t in any way, reflect the extent I esteem you in my life. Happy birthday. Live long and flourish.
4: May all your good desires be met, and may this year be a memorable one for you. Happy birthday, dearest. Pardon the timing.
5: I wish you all the good things in life that will make your new year comfortable. Kindly accept my belated birthday wish to you.
6: Many of those who we care about are as rare as the diamond. They are not found everywhere. You’re one such person, and I wish you a fun-filled new year as you celebrate your birthday. Apologies for the belated birthday wish.
7: I totally take responsibility for forgetting your birthday, aunt. My prayers for you this year are for your success, promotion, and good health.
8: It was as if we celebrated your last birthday last week. How time flies! Little wonder I forgot your birthday. It’s not too late to wish you a blissful new year.
9: There is no other like you in devotion, commitment, and selflessness to the service of mankind. That’s why you deserve the best of attentions. I’m sorry that my message is coming late. May life be fair to you, uncle. Happy birthday.
10: How your birthday escaped my mind is what I can’t explain. I’m sorry it happened that way. From my heart, I wish you a fruitful new year. May the favor of God never elude your life.
11: Forgetting your birthday was a huge mistake on my own part, and I’m sorry it happened. I wish you the choicest blessings on earth.
12: Words are incapable of revealing my thoughts for you as you celebrate an additional year to your life. But bear in mind that if there are pleasant things to be gotten, you will own the most pleasant of all. Forgive my belated birthday wish.
13: Happy birthday, dear friend. In all your getting, may good health never be lacking. From your heart of hearts, do forgive me for sending my wishes late. It wasn’t an intentional act.
Funny Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

1: Happy birthday, my lovely paddy. Enjoy the blessings in your new year. It wasn’t of my making that your birthday escaped my mind. I think the devil wants to come in between our friendship, but his plan has failed. Forgive me.
2: Happy birthday, sweetheart. I’m sorry for not doing it earlier. It’s better late than never.
3: I had to uninstall the app that reminds me of birthdays because it failed to notify me about yours, in time. I’m sorry. If you know of a reliable one, kindly recommend to me. Meanwhile, I wish you a beautiful new year exclusive to you.
4: First, it was my dad’s. It was followed by my sister’s. Now, it’s yours. Something is definitely wrong with my memory. You have to live long, be in health, and make loads of money to help me, because I really need help.
5: Happy birthday, honey-pie. I never imagined that I would be one who will be sending a belated birthday wish to you, of all people. Don’t divorce me, please.
6: I know you’re very unhappy with me, and you have every right to be. But calm down, I am here now, alongside my birthday wish. Happy birthday, darling.
7: It isn’t easy to forget birthdays. It’s possible that I was so immersed in thoughts of what gift to buy for you, that I forgot that your birthday was around the corner. I’m sorry. Happy birthday, mom.
8: You are my highly revered brother, and I am proud of you, anytime, anywhere. I wish you a glorious birthday and an awesome new year. Sorry, I delayed my message because I wanted to be the one to close the gate, after the party.
9: The delivery of the birthday gift I ordered for you was delayed. That was why the timing of my wishes to you were affected. The gift has arrived, and so I want to wish you a peaceful and favor-filled new year.
10: Thankfully, it is your birthday that I forgot and not your age. It would have been a disaster if I did. Happy birthday, kid sis. Live the best of your wonderful life.