Him is a guy, and we feel you can sense what we are getting at, ladies. Well, we are here to strengthen your resolve on winning over any guy that catches your fancy. There’s no point burning inside for nothing when you can actually walk up to him with any of the romantic pick up lines below. Sure he could be blown away or shudder, but that’s our aim: to make him remember you for a long time to come. C’mon; let’s go there!
Romantic Pick Up Lines For Him
1: You remind me of the man I saw in my dream last night.
2: Can I have your number? I want to test my phone’s functionality.
3: I am new to this game, can you guide me with your love?
4: I hope I am not talking to an already taken man.
5: You are sizzling hot. Is your surname Pepper?
6: Don’t you wish you had a girl as naughty as me?
7: Have you been in the movies? You look like an actor I crushed on recently.
8: Can I just hug you? You look warm and cuddly.
9: Hi, my real name is Sexy. What’s yours?
10: You are as calm as the blue sea. Can I be your wave?
11: I am attracted to you. Hope you don’t mind.
12: You’ve turned my life around in a matter of minutes.
13: Can I call you handsome? No other word fits your person.
14: Apart from making girls ogle you, what else do you do to keep busy?
15: Who else has told you that your eyes are beautiful?
16: Will it be possible for me to have your last name forever?
17: My heart recognizes your presence; it’s beating for you.
18: I want to be the woman you can call yours.
19: How will you feel if I tell you that I want your lips?
20: Boy, you have what my eyes have been searching for.
21: Could you let me know the secret behind your shine? I’m dazzled!
22: Grant me the contract to carry your kind in my womb.
23: What’s in your eyes? They are glowing!
24: How often do you melt hearts with your lips?
25: You have everything I need to go man-crazy.
Cute Pick Up Lines For Him
26: You are found guilty of making me want you.
27: You and my future husband share exact characteristics.
28: Don’t ever go into any competition with the sun. It won’t be able to stand the disgrace.
29: Do you have an extra bathing towel at home? I want to pay you a visit.
30: I wish to meet your parents. There’s something I need to tell them about you.
31: I am not cheap but you can have me free of charge.
32: Feel free to call me “Mine”.
33: Your perfume smells like you: strong, enthralling, confident.
34: We will look perfect together.
35: Don’t worry; I won’t ask for more than your love.
36: If I have you as my man, you will have everything you need in a woman.
37: Twice I glanced at you, once I walked up to you, never am I leaving without you.
38: Thank you for sparking up the fire of passion in me. I’m so burning for you.
39: Have we met before? My heart tells me we have.
40: On the day you were born, the sun and the moon agreed to give up their shine for you.
41: I’m calling the police on you for stirring a riot in my bowels.
42: I lost my direction while looking into your eyes. Can you take me home?
43: The rain falls for nothing if both of us aren’t in it.
44: Our love affair will be like none you’ve ever had.
45: I can’t keep my heart off you. What do you suggest I do?
Sweet Talk Pick Up Lines For Him
46: Have you ever been in love? I want to be your first.
47: Take me by your hand, and I won’t let you go.
48: If I want to kiss you, how can I request for it?
49: I believe you have the key to unlock the ancient door of my passion.
50: The next time our paths cross, you are surely meeting my parents.
51: Help me! I’m lost without you.
52: The only way to make me happy is by agreeing to be mine.
53: I’m the perfect girl for you, if you’ll let me.
54: With you, I don’t need any movies to be entertained.
55: Your laughter tinkles. How do you do it?
56: You possess the charm and briskness of a gentleman. I am smitten.
57: You are much more amazing than you look on the TV. Aren’t you a TV personality?
58: I hate to be wrong, but aren’t you handsome?
59: I don’t regret meeting you. You are an angel.
60: You are too deep to know all at once. Can we have a date together?
61: My feet hurt standing all by myself. Can I lean on you?
62: I trust you already as if I have known you all my life.
63: The union of a man and a woman starts with their hearts. Is your heart free to bond with mine?
64: Tell your ex you’ve found the one you’ve waited for all your life.
65: I’m pleased to let you know that I am single and have ended my search with you.
Clever Romantic Pick Up Lines For Him
66: I have fallen for you. Why did you stand on my way?
67: You just stepped in and I felt right. Are you by any chance, my life’s missing connection?
68: Do you love chocolates? You are as yummy.
69: I don’t mind being your fool; that’s my destiny.
70: You are a man, through and through. Our children yet unborn will thank me for choosing you as their father.
71: Don’t spare me your loving words. I’m all ears.
72: Be mine; I don’t want to argue with my heart.
73: Have you noticed that I am at a loss for words? Your sexy eyes are disarming me.
74: You are strong and bulging. I don’t doubt you’re good in bed.
75: Be rest assured that I want more than a drink from you, the reason I asked you for a drink.
76: I hate asking you out, but I will hate myself more if I let this opportunity slip off.
77: I have little to say since all I want is to get you under my sheets.
78: Hope you wouldn’t mind holding my hand. I want to feel how warm you are.
79: You must carry some fire in you. My heart has already melted for you.
80: If I need to see the star all my life, I should simply ask you out.
81: Hurry? I have all the time in the world to be with you.
82: You are the kind of man a girl will get a premium assurance for; how lucky you are!
83: If there’s a water droplet for every time I think of you, I should swimming in an ocean by now.
84: Nobody told me I would be hooked to you like an addiction. Good thing I wasn’t told though.
85: Will you teach my body to dance to your music? I promise to be a good student.
Deep Pick Up Lines For Guys
86: Sweep me off my feet, and I won’t let go of paradise.
87: Be careful with turning me down; I don’t get discouraged easily.
88: You are as rich and sticky as black honey.
89: You should be called Gravity. Your pull on me is irresistible.
90: I am thinking of quitting my relationship for you. Will you walk the same path for me?
91: I want to trade my heart for your love; are you in?
92: Listen closely; my heart plays soft music meant for ears like yours.
93: Will you be my human project? I want to wake up every day with purpose.
94: I’m so sure you have broken a heart or two. How then are you still single?
95: Can I know you better? I’m dying to satisfy my curiosity.
96: Don’t tell me you’ve never been to the sun. How come you shine brightly so?
97: I don’t have a problem with you. It’s my heart that is saying that you owe it your attention.
98: Just give me a chance in your life. Time will tell you that it’s the sweetest decision ever.
99: I’m as spellbound as I’m overwhelmed. There has to be something about you I need to find out for myself.
100: Your lips are luscious. Will you mind if I take a few bites of them?
101: Your smile makes me dream of resting in your arms.
102: My river won’t run dry until I have you swimming in me.
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