Finding perfect love in such a flawed and imperfect world is by itself, the greatest blessing that could happen to anyone. True love is one of the most effective cures to some of the problems we face today. Even better, nurturing the love you have now could result in an almost perfect productive and fulfilling life.
Over the years, romantic love messages have been known to rekindle old flames, revive lost love and bring out the best in any relationship. Read through today’s article and learn some of the most heart-warming love messages. Life is too short to not take your love affair to a deeper level.
Here’s to doing things differently

Short Romantic Love Messages For Him & Her
1: Ever since you came around, life has been magical, and every moment spent with you has been heaven on earth. I love you for bringing me back to life.
2: My sweet princess, I loved you once, I love you still and will always love you, for as long as there’s breath in my lungs
3: Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve the best guy in the world. With you, love feels like a foreign feeling.
4: Thank you for always coming through for me, for loving me despite my flaws and for always being my support system.
5: Each time I look at you, I get the feeling we were destined to be together forever. You make me feel like a wizard, thanks to your love potions and powerful spells cast on me
6: I am privileged to have the only angel on earth as the love of my life. I hope heaven never takes you back because you make my life so bright.
7: Take my hand, take everything that belongs to me and take my life as well. I can’t help falling deeper in love with you every day.
8: You have given me the best gift any woman would ask for. Making me the happiest wife and the luckiest mother in the world. I will forever be indebted to you.

9: Marrying you and making you my soulmate was the best decision I ever made. God has blessed me abundantly. I always knew you were the one for me.
10: They say love is blind but with you, I have the gift of sight. The ties that bind us are not meant for this time and season only, but till we grow old and grey.
11: You and I are peas in a pod. No one else gets me, no one else makes me smile as you do. You are a dime. Feel loved and appreciated.
12: The Universe caused us to meet to become who we are; one entity, driven not only by emotion but also by the dream of what things can be.
13: Without you, I can’t breathe. You’re my existence and the only definition of my reality. Nothing in this world compares to your majesty and affection.
14: There can’t be any greater thing than what lives within. The fire, deeper than desire is what makes the two of us the only real thing in a world of make-believe.
15: There is only one universal cure to all forms of illness. That cure is you.
16: The weak knees and butterflies are only but lies. The grit and scars are the real stories of our journey.
17: You may not see the future, but I can only see one thing clearly: You are my future. The carrier of my tomorrows and the woman of my dreams.
18: The firing of my soul stems from the strike of lightning from your heart to mine.
19: The meaning of life is neither found in books nor the various pleasures of this World. It is found in you.
20: If I had all the power in the world, I would not bring the moon to you, rather, I would alter the order of the Universe to give you everything.
21: Whatever life has in store can only be faced in one way and manner; that is with you.
22: I may not be able to be invincible, but my visibility is driven by your invincibility. Your belief in me is what makes me feel so invincible.
23: Making the most out of life is nothing. Making the most of our moments is everything. I love you.
24: Even if fate whispers in my ear that a storm is coming, I’d whisper back to the fate that our love is the storm.
25: That depth of your soul in your eyes, the hint of a smile and the way you lie when you sleep. These are the little things that I live for.
26: Keeping faith doesn’t happen by a twist of fate. Keeping the faith is fate. And fate is who you are to me.
27: My success is not in my money or wealth. My success is in if I was able to make you mine. You are my greatest treasure.
28: The longest roads traveled are the shortest moments that I spend without you by my side.
29: I can’t say for sure what’s going to happen next, but I am sure of this: I am here to keep you happy and make you feel alive for as long as I live.
30: The cherry trees, their flowers, and their leaves, the bundles of wheat, and their ears and their sheaves can’t count the moments that we have left.
31: I would be lying if I said I live by my means. One moment of your love is enough to create an eternity for me. Love me for as long as you live, darling.

32: My greatest fear in life is not dying. Death isn’t immortality. Loving you is. I am afraid of losing you.
33: The demands of my soul can’t make me whole. All I desire for the rest of my mortal life is your smile and your touch. You complete me in unthinkable ways.
34: Others may not understand us, but we understand ourselves, totally perfectly and deeply.
35: We won’t make excuses for who we are. The only excuse we can make to humanity is if we didn’t love ourselves truly.
36: No one can make me not love you. I would rather lose everything else than lose you.
Long Romantic Love Messages For Her or Him
1: People always say that love can’t be seen, it can only be felt. It turns out they were wrong. I have seen and experienced love! I have seen it in your eyes, in your deeds and in everything that concerns you. And it’s the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I hope to be yours for life.

2: Without you, my world would be so dark and empty. Before you came around, I didn’t have a purpose or any sense of direction, but your presence changed everything. If you were the last tear in my eye, I would never cry because I would never want to lose you.
3: You have painted all parts of my life with the colors of heaven. If I died right now, I would be fulfilled because I know what true love tastes like. Thanks to you, I sleep every day knowing I’m the happiest man on the planet. What could I ever do to repay you?
4: You know how much I love pizza, but I love you more than would ever love pizza or any other food for that matter. Since I met you, reality became more beautiful than all my dreams combined. I count myself lucky to have a man like you in my life. We may not have a perfect story, but it is my favorite one.
5: Every day above ground is a blessing, but every day with you by my side is paradise. To my ray of sunshine and shoulder to lean on during the gloomy days, may you never forget that you are a gift to me. You push all my buttons and ignite a bonfire of love in my heart. Thank you for being my happily ever after.
6: Finding someone willing to stick around through thick and thin is something to be grateful for. You are everything I ever hoped for in a woman and much more than I expected. Thank you for fine-tuning me to become the resourceful man that I am today. I love you dearly.
7: If I lost everything in my life, I will still not be at my lowest. If I had everything but lose you, then I would be at my lowest point. I love you more than words could express.
8: There is nothing is as sweet to my ear, as your breath on my hair. There is nothing that is as calm to me as the depth of your eyes. You have got me hypnotized.
9: To set sail for the rest of our lives isn’t the thing that would make us fail. Our deepest failure lies in the number of tries that can derail us. Our love is endless. If I could ask for anything, it would be to meet you sooner.
10: The joy in my heart is the spark that keeps us ablaze. And if you look beneath the embers of that spark that creates, you will see that the rate of burning can’t surpass the rate of me putting out the other fires in others who may have you in mind.
11: If there was one person who could cross through fire for you, it certainly wouldn’t be me. I’d put out the fire and then spend the rest of my existence making sure no fire comes near you again.
12: Making sure every moment counts isn’t the key to lasting happiness. It is making sure that the few moments that can be captured with you make perfect sense.
13: How far the eye can see isn’t enough. How well the ear can hear, or the voice can sing won’t do for me. All that matters is how much I love you.
14: The light on a hill that sets the till isn’t what keeps the sea still. Its what’s in my heart that can’t tear us apart that makes the waters stand.
15: My love for you is the only thing that makes my blind eyes to see and my deaf ears to hear what others are saying. I only have eyes to see others in your light and ears to hear them with your voice.
16: Fools can’t fall in love. It is meant only for the wise. True wisdom lies in getting the right person to fall in love with. You will know the right person because I am standing right in front of you.
17: People say that they shape their destinies, but destiny can’t be defined without the right shipmate. My shipmate, you are, and I can only go so far without the one who can dictate the rate of movements of the hand of destiny.
18: What I bear with you is not known to all. This is because of the normal eye and the normal mind cannot understand our soul-intelligence. We have chosen to hear our call and that is what will make us go through it all.
19: With you, I have everything. Without you I am nothing. The greatest sages in the World can’t describe what we have. Its value can’t be determined by the best of minds.
20: We may say that we aren’t meant for each other, or so it may seem, but to see beyond the dream and know what we have burst at the seams is worth trying, at the ream.
21: I can’t find the truest expression of what I want to say to you at the moment. However, I can say this: It’s neither in the words that I speak nor in the way you reply to me. It’s how you look at me when I am down, calling the hero within.
22: The ruling of the skies can only be determined by the love affair of the ground beneath it. We can’t be ourselves if we don’t know this. You’re my sky and my earth.
23: Life is meant to be lived on two levels. The first is on the corporeal plane where you and I can interact with others. The second is on the ethereal plane where we can interact with ourselves. I want to live on the second plane for the rest of my life.
24: No one can tell how the greatest tree in the forest fell. In that same way, no man can tell how our love will go, either in this world or in the next.
25: I am not driven to die for you, and neither are you driven to die for me. We only share one life and one soul. So, if you go, I go as well. There is no me without you.
26: I won’t look at you many years from now and say you’re still the one, I’d look at you later in life and say you’ve been the only one.
27: We were never meant for each other. We are each other. I see you in me and you see me in you.
28: We cannot change the forces that brought us together; but we can give them a good reason never to bother us again, now that we are together.

29: There is no way that anyone can say that we were ever in play. Nothing ever is. The only thing that they can say is that we are the single ray; the one chance for them to see the light and give them sight.
30: There’s nothing I could ever achieve, nothing which I could retrieve from this World without having you in my life. You are the manifestation of my wildest dream, my best tomorrow and my fiercest desire. I love you with all I have.