When a man finds the love of his life, it is only a matter of a few months or years before he gets down on his knees to ask her to be his. Proposals come in different forms as dictated by one’s imagination or creative power; a man can even propose underwater.
But one thing remains unchanged, and that is the words spoken to the recipient of the offer. As the one proposing, you must say something to make your offer known to the woman that means everything to you. Below are proposal messages to inspire you into developing yours for your big day.
Romantic Proposal Messages
1: There is no other who is capable of making my dreams come true but you. You are everything I have earnestly prayed for. Take my hand into yours, and agree to be mine.
2: I hope someday, that I will look back to today, the day I gave the queen of my kingdom the permission to reign. It is the best decision I am making today.
3: I love you, and nothing can be far from this most assured truth. My existence will be incomplete without you taking the place of a wife in my life.
4: Seasons come, and generations materialize. One thing I know is that I will never, ever take you for granted in my life, come what may. You’re precious to me in all ramifications, believe me.
5: My heart belongs to you, and I am certain that it is in good hands. I rather die knowing you, than to live with the emptiness of wondering what it would look like to spend the rest of my life with you.
6: Countless times, I’m reminded that it takes courage to love selflessly. The only thing that keeps me from slipping into the low and deep is the strength of your love. I don’t think I need to wait any further to ask you to be mine.
7: Thankfully, I am able to say what and how I feel with you, and I also know what and how I feel without you. It will be in my best interest to do what’s right for me, and that is to spend my forever with you.
8: Let people say all they can; I have sworn to love you with all that is in me. Allow me to walk you into the world that belongs to just you and me.
9: There’s no other who I would want to be the carrier of my seed but you. There’s no other who I would want to wake up to kiss every morning but you. No other makes sense to me but you.
10: Grant me the pleasure of having you to hold and to cherish as long as I live. It’s not only an honor; it is a favor I wouldn’t know how to repay.
11: I want you to be mine. I want you to be my everything. I want you to own all that I have. I want to marry you.
12: I never knew joy and contentment the way I do with you. Loneliness was my middle name until you brought your cheery affection into my life. I can’t let you out of my life for any reason.
13: Growing old with you is one of my life’s desires and goals. I want to be there for you when you need me, to tell you that everything will be alright as long as we’ve got each other. I want to make you mine.
Sweet Propose Messages
14: Forever with you, no one else will do. Always have you in my arms, no other place for you to be. Never will let you out of my sight, for as long as I live, I will be your angel.
15: If I have to choose between you and life, I wouldn’t blink an eyelid before jumping to your side. What’s the essence of choosing life if you aren’t in it to make it meaningful?
16: I believe in love and in you. I hope that eternity will reward us with each other because our love has come to stay.
17: I need not vomit out torrents of words. Mine is as simple as this: my heart beats for you regardless of the time of the day. You complete me in ways only you can, and I wish to love you endlessly.
18: My empire, and all in it belong to you. All that I have presently, and everything my future promises are yours for the taking. My vow to you is that I will never make you regret taking me as your man.
19: The day I saw your face was the day I believed that mine was love at first sight. I sought for, and found you. Far it be from me that my quest will end without walking down the aisle with you.
20: A fruitful life is not devoid of true love. Ever since I met you, things that seemed impossible became easy to roll as lubricated balls. You are my good luck charm, and I want to sign the dotted lines holding your hand.
21: Indeed, whosoever that finds a wife, finds a good thing. To take it further, whosoever that marries his own woman, dies a fulfilled man. Make my dream come true by letting me marry you, my love.
22: I will keep saying it till I draw my last breath: you are my treasure, my trophy woman. Of all that life gave me the opportunity to have, you’re the most priceless. Be mine forever and always, please.
23: Let the world question my sanity; let it be that I am asked if I have gone crazy. I really would want to be a mad man whose sanity is dependent on marrying you, than be sensible and lose you to another.
24: I have always longed to have what is mine. Not in things money can buy, but in receiving unmerited favor from above. I didn’t know God would answer my prayers by bringing you into my life. Marry me, sweet.
25: I searched for a woman, and found you. It wasn’t an easy journey, but you are worth the adventure. I can’t love you less. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
26: As surely as the dews of the morning, as real as the air that puffs out of our nostrils, so is my love for you. It is neither a myth nor a dream. Make a pact with me, to love each other till the end of time.
27: Granted that we have our individual histories, and battles we have conquered together, we cannot claim ignorance of our love that grows with each passing day. We are meant to be together, nothing can convince us otherwise.

Best Lines To Propose To A Girl
28: Just as if it were in a movie, you waltzed into my life, and I have never been the same ever since. Thousands of words float into my head but none aptly describes what I feel about you. I want to keep you forever.
29: As a child wants the reassurance of its mother to take larger steps with its little feet, so do I need the constant presence of your love to conquer the world for us. I won’t ask for more than your love. Please, be mine.
30: There is one prayer on the lips of my mother, and that is for me to bring home a woman that will love me better than she did. I’m glad I am bringing you home as the only one my heart belongs to.
31: The wind has blown, and has tried all it could to keep us apart. But the more it blew its fury, the more close we draw toward each other. I want to make it formal to the world, that we are an item till eternity.
32: They told me tales of love and how it could burn. I was afraid, and prayed that I would find my own kind of lover. May God bless the day you told me you love me too. Will you marry me?
33: I respect you a lot. I will never in my life, hurt you. You deserve the best from me, and I promise to make all your dreams come true. If I can’t by myself, I have God always by my side. I want to be yours forever.
34: I am convinced that there is no other specially designed for me. As much as I can tell, you are the right description of all my soul desires. Complete my existence as my wife.
35: I have cared for nothing as much as I do concerning the love I share with you. I have found the best in you, and I am not ready to tell stories of how I let another man have you. Will you marry me?