Forgiveness is a part and parcel of our walk of righteousness in Christianity. The standard model of forgiveness is the kind that God gave us through Jesus Christ which has given us ample access to grace and redemption, as well as equip us daily to forgive others.
Inasmuch as forgiveness doesn’t come cheap – you can ask God, it is given free of charge. Furthermore, no amount of reasoning or explanation can justify the withholding of forgiveness as long as Christ has paid the huge price for you and for every other human being on earth.
So, you can receive forgiveness from God when you ask in Jesus Christ’s name. Likewise, you can forgive those who have offended you because you have received forgiveness at one point in time of your life or the other.
Don’t know how to pray a prayer of forgiveness? We have put together the following samples as a guide:
Prayers Of Forgiveness For Those Who Hurt You
Father, You are my God and the one who forgives my sin. I have come with a broken heart before You because (offender’s name) hurt me with his/her offensive words. Truly, it is hard to let it slide given his/her unrepentant disposition. But as Jesus Christ taught in Matthew 6:14,15, I have to forgive them to obtain forgiveness from You. I am not the best of humans and have hurt others with my words and actions. Therefore, I ask for the grace to forgive completely without holding onto a grudge. Amen.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the privilege to kneel before your throne of grace this moment. You alone can understand the burden that is weighing my heart down, of the persecution I have endured in the hands of my dear ones for the sake of the gospel. Sometimes, staying cheerful in the midst of it all is a task on its own, the reason why I am asking for the strength of the heart to let go and let You. Wonderfully enough, as You commanded in Matthew 18:22, forgiving them has to be my lifestyle, an every moment, everyday affair. I do remember that You forgave me, and so, I must forgive others (Colossians 3:13). Help me, Lord, that I will be able to live a life that pleases You. Amen.
Lord, in Your mercy, I plead for forgiveness on behalf of those who have repaid my good with evil. Who am I to criticize or condemn them when You have shown me much compassion when I was a sinner? (Luke 6:36-37). In Your love, forgive them and give them a change of heart. Renew my heart to love them more than is expected of me that they will see Your mighty hand of love extended for their redemption. Amen.

Dearest Jesus, I thank You for the insightful revelation on forgiveness from John 8:7 which explains the need for me to forgive another’s offense since I can’t count myself free of sin if not for Your grace upon my life. I am not worthy to judge or condemn anyone who You haven’t judged unto condemnation. Teach me to forgive from my heart, Lord. Let me see others through Your eyes of mercy, seeing not their weaknesses but the abundance of Your love for them. Also, teach me patience in order not to be quick to be angry or keep malice with them (Ephesians 4:31). Amen.
Prayers Of Forgiveness And Repentance
My Lord, it is You that I have sinned against, and only You can forgive me. In the past two years, I have lived as a hopeless sinner who was bereft of every form of shame and regard for You. But now, I have realized I am headed to destruction and have come for Your forgiveness. Your word says in Proverbs 28:13 that a man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsake them, he gets another chance. I admit my evil ways, Lord. I confess my mistakes. I have forsaken them all this day and won’t go back to where I am coming from. Cleanse me; make me whole for a right living in You. Amen.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “then if my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land.” Father, as a people, we plead for Your forgiveness in our lives. Forgive us for disobeying You by making idols out of our wealth and fame. We received them from You but chose to go done the path of destruction in our pride. Justice demands that we should be put to death in Your wrath, but in humility, we plead for Your mercy. We make a solemn promise never to go back to the sin of idolatry and its likes against You. Please, do not harden your heart against us, Father. Hear, forgive us and heal our economy. Heal our businesses and remove the affliction of diseases from our midst. At last as one body, we will testify and rejoice for the great thing You’ve done to us. Amen.
Lord, I turn from my wickedness and pray for Your forgiveness. My thoughts are full of evil; I am helpless to the filthiness of the mind. In spite of all that go on within me, I know that there is still room for repentance if I am willing to ask for it from You. My Father, I am willing to repent, for I have sinned against both heaven and You in my thoughts. Do I have to wait for them to be acted out before asking for mercy? No, Lord, because You search the heart and have known that I am a terrible sinner. Forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. May Your Holy Spirit help me to dwell my thoughts on what is true and good and right. Instead of filthy thoughts, may I be occupied with thoughts that are pure and lovely. Not only will my life be a pleasure to You, but I will also be a blessing to myself and to those around me. Amen. ( Acts 8:22; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Philippians 4:8)
Prayers For Forgiveness And Restoration
My Loving Father, I am embarrassed by my actions but then, I know that Your disappointment in me cannot be compared to my fickle embarrassment. I am sorry for disgracing You by involving myself in adulterous practices. I admit my shameful actions; I am guilty of every single one of it. Father, I have nothing to hide for I am naked in body and spirit before You. I ask for the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse me of this terrible sin against You. I want to be pure, to continue my relationship with You, guiltlessly. Restore to me the joy of salvation; let the consciousness of the Holy Spirit be renewed in me. If I am restored, I will be a source of inspiration to repentance for other sinners. Lord, I will gladly do Your will. Amen. (Psalms 51)

With a repentant heart, I ask for Your forgiveness, Lord. I consider my ways impure, a far cry from righteous living. Have mercy and restore to me the fortunes I lost in my sinfulness. My health and spirit are in ruins from alcoholism and gambling, but I count on Your restoration power to rebuild my ruins and make me a center of Your blessing. Guide me like a father does to his directionless child so that I will not walk back into my past mess. Already, I have decided to live for You all the rest of my life. Amen. (Amos 9:14)
You love me, Father. That is why You have led me back to You with the affliction that came upon me as a reward for my wicked acts. How I broke Your heart! How I took You for nothing! Forgive me, my King. I have retraced my steps back to You, for healing from the One who has torn me. You have wounded me; please, bind me up. In Your loving kindness, bring me back to my feet. Teach me to love You like You ought to be loved so that I will not hurt You again. Thank You for hearing and answering my humble prayer. Amen. (Hosea 6:1-2)
Father, have mercy on me that I will live again. If You do not come to my aid, my own story will be written off. Left for me, I am but a hopeless sinner who has no value. But I know that I worth something in You. Instead of shame and dishonor, give me a double portion of Your prosperity and everlasting joy. May I not go down into destruction that sinners deserve. Rather, lift me up in Your mercy. Restore me, Lord, and I will give You quality praise all the days of my life. Amen. (Isaiah 61:7)